Precautions To Watch For

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The week trudged onward and you were thankful that Jensen was so understanding about your recent outbursts. You didn't go back to the set until Friday to wait for Jensen to finish filming so you two could take off to Jacksonville. The rest of the week you treated yourself. You went to a spa for one day, got your nails done and hair cut. You needed to relax because your mom was right about the stress, it was bad for you and especially the baby.

Before making your way to the set you had to stop at your OB/GYN office to pick up a refill for your daily vitamins and a extra pill for this weekend with the stress and high intensity of action. You checked into the office and waited for you doctor to come out. "(Y/n), how's my favorite mama doing?" Doctor Stefanski came out and gave you a hug before taking you back into her office. "I'm well, 20 weeks today! How are you?" You say, sitting in a chair across from her. "I know, you have that mama glow by the way. I am well too. Thanks for asking. So I have your vitamins here for you," She passes you a small bag with your bottles inside. "This is what I want you to take this weekend. I know it's only two days, but in your stage right now, crazy happenings, stress, and anxiety are not best for this baby or you. If you feel any heart burn, leg aches, shortness of breath, or any amount of dizziness tell Jensen or someone around to call me or take to you a hospital near by." "I will. Hopefully I will be alright. Jensen has been trying to get me to back out of going and I wasn't going to at first, but I changed my mind. I think I will be okay," You stand up and grab you bag and medicine. "Thank you Dr. Stefanski. You are truly the best." You gave her a hug before leaving and making your way to the lot.

You pull up to the gate and your car said the time was close to 3:20 pm. Ryan wasn't at the gate but Jeff was. "Hey Jeff, How's the gate been going." You ask quickly. "Its good. You're looking great by the way. Can't wait to meet yours and Jensen's little bundle." He says and you smile, rubbing your swollen belly. "Thanks Jeff. And me too. Can't wait." You say and Jeff opens the gate, sending your straight to your moved parking spot which is closer to the trailers. After you park, you grab you purse and jacket and lock you car on the way to the trailer. Opening the small door, you hear light snoring coming from the back. Setting down you purse, and taking off your jacket, you move towards the bed room to see Jensen asleep. Kicking your shoes off, you slowly crawl onto the bed. Well, having a stomach makes it hard to crawl and be quiet. You were almost to Jensen's face when he turned his sleepy face in your direction and laughed. "I actually thought Jared was crawling on the bed for a second." Jensen says and you slap his chest. "You try being 20 weeks pregnant with this belly and start crawling. Not easy but I tried." You huff and roll onto your back with your head on Jensen's chest.

"What time is it?" Jensen's ask and you pull your phone from your pocket. "Its 3:35. You have to be on set soon?" "Kinda. Well in 20 minutes or so. I fell asleep around 3-3:10 ish I think." Jensen yawned and began to fiddle with your hair. "You're exhausted. You better sleep on the flight. And sleep when we get to Jacksonville because you only have to do the concert tomorrow. And everyone is counting on the amazing Jensen Ackles to preform Brother and Whipping Post." You smile and Jensen goes to kiss your head but is interrupted but a loud grumble from your stomach. "Woah, some ones hungry. Want me to make you something? Anything particular?" Jensen asks getting off the bed then helping you up. "I'll eat anything. I just ate like an hour ago and the baby is still hungry. Definitely has Daddy's appetite." You both laugh and you move to the couch to wait for Jensen to return. "You go to Dr. Stefanski today?" Jensen asks from the small kitchen as he sees your purse with the bottles in it.

"Yeah. Sorry I didn't tell you. Kind of last minute. Today was my last day for the prenatal vitamins I had and needed more. So I called and picked some up. Dr. Stefanski also gave me some pills for this weekend, just in case." You finish and so does Jensen. "In case of what?" Jensen asks as he sets the grilled cheese and pickles in front of you. "Just in case the stress or anxiety of the weekend get to me. She said if I have symptoms of shortened breath, leg cramps, dizziness, and I think it was heart burn, to relax and tell you to call her if we have any questions. I told her that I'd take it easy and that nothing will happen. Well, probably besides the leg cramps. I had to walk to much last night, and thank you for staying up with me again. I'm sure you were tired this morning." You take a bite from your pickle and Jensen kisses your forehead. "I'm going to be on you like a hawk and I am making everyone else watch you too. Can't be to cautious. I will stay up with you every time. You're carrying our child. We go through all of this together."

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