Chapter 9: A Selected Few

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Chris's POV

"What do you know about the defenses of Auradon, we can't just launch an attack." I say eyeing the magical map that shows every inch of everywhere in real time. "Auradon has many practical defenses, by to my knowledge Auradon has no magical defenses." I feel my eyes start glowing and an evil smile stretches across my lips, "This is going to me almost too easy." Ryan clears his throat snapping my attention away from the map, "My father taught me that great power requires great sacrifice." I snarl at Ryan, "My father paid the ultimate sacrifice when he was destroyed by that white breaded old has been." I grab Ryan by his jacket, but Ryan snaps his fingers and he vanishes, "I am the son of the most powerful sorcerer's ever, and you really think my dear old daddy hasn't taught me anything." I look around waiting for him to reappear, "Up here!" I look up to see Ryan on top of the bookcase, "Question?" He says clicking his tongue, "What is stopping you from being defected by the same wizard, I mean he has the power of foresight, along with time travel, and that is just naming a few of his abilities." I growl a dark growl at him, "IF HE WERE STILL ALIVE, HE WOULD ANCIENT BY NOW!" I roar loudly at Ryan who just lets out a laugh like his father, "But just because something is ancient, doesn't mean it can't still do anything." I was not listing to his babble, "If you plan in invading Auradon, you are going to need more than just Shay and I." As I slam my fists on the table turning my attention back to the map, "What do you think we should do?" Ryan suddenly appears on the other side of the table, "I think it's time that we do something that no one else has ever done." Ryan holds up a tiny scroll, "That tiny piece of paper is going to help us?" Ryan let's out another laugh, "This isn't just any old scroll, this is the one piece of the puzzle that you have been looking for, the last relic of The Chernabog himself." I look at Ryan bewildered, "Do you mean to tell me that you are holding my father's curse?" Ryan laughs again nodding his head, "My father has kept it safe all these years, and now that I have it, we can enact it." I smile at Ryan, but then I suddenly remember something, "Ryan that paper is useless without the precise ingredients, and I have no idea what those are." Ryan makes the scroll vanish, "All you need are three simple things, someone with magic to cast it, the scroll itself, and a drop of the purest blood." I walk around the table and stand in front of Ryan, "And we have two out of three already." Ryan gives a weird expression, "You really only have the scroll, my magic can't active it." I let a roar so loud that everything nearby explodes, windows shatter, and the whole place shakes, "You sure really get your powers under control." Ryan brushes debris off his jacket, "WHAT GOOD IS THE SON OF RUMPELSTILTSKIN IF HE CAN'T DO ANYTHING!" I pick up one of the fallen pictures and hurl it through the only glass window left, "That old wizard done something to it, my families magic can't active it, we need to find someone else to do for us." I scoff at him, "We are the only people on this forgotten island." The sudden sound of the doors opening catches Ryan and I's attention, "I know for a fact that there are two other inhabitants somewhere on the island, and lucky for you two one of them just happens to be the daughter of an old friend of my dad's." Shay walks into the room and right up to be planting a passionate kiss on my lips, "I see that someone lost their tempter." I growl rolling my eyes, "I was provoked." Shay just smiles a sly smile, "We need to find these other two, they might be able to help us." Shay turns her attention to the map, "This is a huge island, and if there is more than just us here, they could be anywhere." I comment turning to the map, "I think I know where to start looking for our first recruit." Shay points to the forest surrounding the castle, "You think you can narrow it down a bit more than that, the forest goes on for miles, and need I remind you that we don't have a lot of time to spare." Shay flips her hair over her shoulder, "We can't do anything until we are sure that we have a full proof plan, and I will happily remind you that it will take more than the three of us to pull this off." Ryan waves his hand over the map making it turn into old looking paper, "Who might I ask is this person that you know?" Ryan walks closer to Shay, "Just someone that helped my dad, but in the end turned his back and betraying him." Ryan raises one his eyebrows, "Your father is a tiger, what friend could he possibly have, and I am just guessing here but I am positive that this friend wasn't human." Shay just pats Ryan on his cheek, "You have your secrets, and I have mine." Shay turns back to me, "Looks like you finally have a reason to leave this castle, and show everyone your true powers, the very powers your father handed down to you." Again, I feel my eyes start glowing, only this time I feel them glowing more than before, "I love it when your evil and sadistic side comes out." Shay kisses my lips again, "We should start our search, so much to do in such so little time." Ryan vanishes from the room and I raise my hand engulfing Shay and I in pitch black smoke. 

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