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Another long chapter rip my thumbs LMAO oh and some sexual content ahead

When Harry left, I was sad even though I knew I needed the time alone with my parents. But time alone with my parents just happened to be my dad hiding away in his room all night while my mom and I ate dinner. He was mad and disappointed in me, so I guess because of that he couldn't even stand in the same room as me. The thing is, I don't know what he is more angry about- the fact that I'm pregnant or the fact I fell in love with a dangerous man such as Harry.

But I can't control it. I love Harry and I would do anything for him. My father has no idea what Harry is like to me and everything we've been through. If he had seen just a day in our lives then I'm sure he'd warm up to him more.

"Mom.." I push around the broccoli on my plate, staring at the same old china I grew up with. "Why didn't you talk to Harry more when he was here? I mean you knew him more then anyone besides Adrian. But yet when he was here you barely even looked at him." I whisper.

My mom pauses while looking up at me from the opposite end of the table.

"I didn't know Harry very well- he was just one of Adrian's friends." She murmurs.

"Mom, he was Adrian's only friend." I add, she acts like I don't know the story but he already told me everything.

"So I'm guessing he told you everything?" She asks.

"About the adoption rejection? Yeah he did." I chuckle.

She folds her lips into a line and nods slowly.

"I'm not proud of it." She murmurs.

"But just out of curiosity, why didn't you adopt him? Was it the money?" I ask.

"Amelia I don't want to talk about it." She shakes her head while standing up to start cleaning off the table.

"Why?" I furrow my brows.

"Because it's all behind us now and I just don't want to talk about it." She shrugs while walking to the sink.

"But I just want to know." I murmur.

"I don't want to talk about it." She says more sternly.

"Do you hate him that much? He used to help you at the library and make sure no one picked on Adrian." I state.

"He was a criminal Amelia." My mom says with her back to me, turning on the faucet.

"Now you're just sounding like dad." I shake my head.

"Let's not get into this please." She grips the edge of the sink counter.

"Fine, I'm going to bed." I stand up and bring my dish to the sink where my mom stands. I can't even get into this either, not tonight.

"Okay." She whispers while washing the dishes.

I got ready for bed and eventually laid in my room for a few hours. I just couldn't sleep. It was weird being in my old room- everything was exactly how I left it. My clothes were still on the floor and my bed was still unmade. I knew my mom wasn't going to fix it up in here when I was gone. When Adrian vanished she never even entered his room, his bed is probably still unmade and his stuff is probably still everywhere.

It was around 11:30 when I got a text from Niall's contact in Harry's phone. The screen lit up the room besides the slight glow from the window.

Hey babe, meet me at Adrian's window;)

I read the text and smile lightly, knowing this was Harry texting me with Niall's phone- or I hope so anyway. I get out of bed and quietly step to the door, opening it up timidly to the dark hallway. I tiptoe down to Adrian's room which was next to mine, seeing that my parents room at the end of the hallway was shut.

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