fourty nine

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|Nova's POV|

I wake up in Awsten's arms once again and I swear I smile every time.
There is no doubt in my mind that he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else.
Usually when someone is so worried about their partner finding someone else, it drives them away.
But with him, it drags me in more.
And yes I notice it.

I notice the looks he gives me whenever I don't have a problem with him going out.
His eyes show surprise, almost as if he's shocked I trust someone so much. And honestly, I can understand if he doesn't trust me as much as I do him.
He was recently cheated on and I get it because so was I.
But I'm tired of being scared of being cheated on. I love Awsten and I'm not going to take time away from me showing him that I love him to worry about him leaving me.

I gently get out of our bunk.
Is that what we're calling it now? Our bunk?
Then I check on Grayson and to my surprise he's not in his bunk.
I get slightly worried but decide to have a little faith in him.

"Favorite flower?", i hear Jack dying in the lounge.
By dying I mean that laugh where you can hear that they can barely breathe because of the way they're gasping for air.

Then I hear Gray laugh, "Shut up, I don't know what to ask you."

After Jack calms down he asks, "if you could listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be?"

"So wrong it's right, obviously.", Grayson says.

"Now you're just trying to flatter me.", Jack says.

I say from the doorway, "No, he's actually being honest. He is constantly playing it."

"No shit, that's badass.", Jack smiles at him.

"So, uh, what's going on? Why are we asking about favorite flowers?", i ask curiously. Is Gray okay from last night?

"Well if you must know, I told Jack about what we talked about last night, probably more than I should have, and we've been talking all morning.", Grayson explains.
I don't think Jack would lead him on, but what did he say? Gray would've acted different if he got rejected.

"Oh. How did that go?", i ask more toward Jack.

"I told him that I'm extremely flattered but due to the whole age thing we can only be friends. And I appreciate the honesty. It's kinda strange to think that you're feeling that way towards me that I felt towards other people when I was your age because it sucked so much. I wish I could take that away from you because it really does suck. And what I didn't tell him yet was that if he were older or I was younger I would definitely go on a date with him in a non pervy you're a really cool dude and any guy would be lucky to have you you're like family way. Anddd, I told him to stop ignoring me because I miss when we did shit together and he agreed and now we're catching up.", Jack explains.

Grayson's face lights up.
"Do you really mean that?"

"Yes! You're a really cool dude.", Jack smiles at him.

What the fuck why is their friendship adorable.

"Nova I love you, but you're interrupting catching up time.", Jack says.

I pretend to be hurt, "I see I'm no longer needed."

Grayson laughs at me and Jack just smiles.

"Hey babe, have you seen my phone? I'm supposed to call my mom today.", Awsten asks walking up from behind me.

"Under the blue blanket towards the middle right, right next to the tv remote.", i say.

He turns around and looks in the exact spot, "Damn, thanks. That was super specific."

"Thank you Awsten.", Grayson notices him and hugs him.

Once again, my heart is melting.

Awsten looks taken back, but he hugs him back.

"For what?"

"For helping me yesterday. I took your advice and told Jack and we're pretty much back to how we were.", he smiles.

"Awe, I'm glad. You're welcome. I know it might be weird since I'm dating your sister but you can talk to me anytime you need or want to."

Grayson smirks, "You're alright, Knight."

Awsten smiles and pulls me away from the group, "We're interrupting bonding time."

He pulls me to our bunk and we lay down again.
I smile as I feel him kiss my shoulder.

"You know, I'm finally winning this thing.", he says.

I look at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well your mom loves me, last night Alex and I had a talk, and your little brother likes me. Looks like we're almost set up to be married."

"Oh yeah? What are you waiting on?", I flirt.

"You have 3 other best friends, I still need their approval. Do we care about your step dad's approval?", he asks.


"We don't care about his approval. Is there anybody else who's crucial in your life?"

"My aunt Cece."

"When am I allowed to meet her?", he asks.

"After tour. Be careful though, she's a hard one to win over."

"Why after tour?", he frowns.

"She's on vacation in Jamaica."

"I'll win her over. I don't have a choice, you wanna know why?"

"Why?", i ask amused.

"Because I'm going to marry you."

cute cute cute fluff

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