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"Jin Hyung isn't coming?" Jimin asks, his bubbly excitement strained slightly at the realization of his friends absence. His shoulders droop and he frowns at Hoseok shuffling his steps beside him.

Hoseok smirks, reminding himself to answer cluelessly. "He must have something else to take care of. It's alright, Jimin."

Squinting his eyes at the other, Jimin crosses his arms defiantly over his chest. He knows that Jungkook is behind the vague answers and secretive shrugs, but the curiosity of it all is making him anxious. The next location that he felt so sure of, felt pleased to travel to next, seems incorrect now that his oldest Hyung won't be joining them. Seokjin doesn't pass on food, and if they aren't going to his favorite ice cream shop he doesn't have another guess. "I need a hint." Jimin mutters.

"A hint?" Hoseok repeats, tone genuinely confused. "You don't, you said this one was easy."

"It was, until Jin Hyung didn't come with us."

The older sighs, shrugging again. He can tell the nonchalantness of his stature and gestures are getting to his friend, so he chuckles and leans closer to the boy to wrap an arm around his shorter shoulders. "Jin Hyung is doing something more important than snacking. He's just busy. Follow what you think is right, okay?"

"The ice cream shop?"

Hoseok quirks an eyebrow, challenging the response. "Is that where we're going?"

Jimin stops walking, grabbing Hoseok's arm in the process and pulling him to a halt. "Ho-bi!" He drags out a whine, skin crawling over the possibility of being wrong. He doesn't even know why he's taking it so seriously, but he wants so badly to be correct as if his life may depend upon it. "At least tell me if I'm making the right choices."

Dipping his head to shield the amusement on his face, Hoseok laughs once more. "Ah, Chim. Just keep going."

Unsure of who to really target his frustration towards, Jimin huffs defeatedly. If Hoseok says to keep going, he must be right. He's going to take it as an affirmative anyway and figure it out himself when he gets there. Ice cream will be present to comfort his woes anyway, worst case scenario taking place.

The walk is just as silent as the last, each head processing thoughts of their own. Jimin is stressed, whereas Hoseok is glad for the exercise of walking and the presence of a friend he's thankful to be beside. Their quiet has always been comfortable, so he finds it unnecessary to talk very much. Jimin is distracted and he feels content. Soon enough, the tiny shop is in sight.

Hoseok holds the door open, lanky arms reaching out first to grab the door handle. Jimin bumps him playfully as he passes.

The youngers eyes immediately scour the tiny set of the dining area and relief pours into his veins as fast as a rushing river when Yoongi's crossed limbs come into view. A smile springs onto Jimin's lips. "You!" He calls loudly, surprising a few customers to look his way. He apologizes quickly and hurries to his friend. "My clue." Eager hands open out, palms up and waiting for their gift.

"You forgot how to say 'Hi'?" Yoongi grumbles, shaking his foot in his seat, unmoving otherwise.

Jimin scoffs softly, knowing he should have expected Yoongi's torture. "Ah, sorry. Hi, Hyung."

Narrowing his eyes at the younger, Yoongi begins to nod slowly. He doesn't want to torture the boy, not too much anyway. "Is the game fun?" He asks with genuine curiosity, a rarity of his. Jimin's smile tells him all he needs to know, but it grows wider as he answers.

"It's fun. It's really cute, actually."

"Ah, yeah." Yoongi agrees. His heart tightens a bit, knowing his clue isn't going to maintain the fuzzy feelings developing inside of Jimin's chest. "Jungkook loves you. So, don't get upset, alright?"

The smile drops from Jimin's lips, just as the others that watch him knew it would. His hands are grasped gently by Yoongi's cold own, the next box pressed into his palms. Yoongi smiles.

"It's okay, Jimin. Keep going." Yoongi says. He looks up at Hoseok now, nodding his head without saying a word. "I'm going."

Feeling the warmth leave his veins, replaced by the icy chill of anxiety once again, Jimin watches his friend leave the small shop. Even the sweet fragrance of churning ice cream and freshly baked waffle cones can't ease the fear of the unknown, the fear Yoongi just reinstalled. He glances at Hoseok, a set expression on the man's face. Jimin sighs and his fingers once again lift the tiny lid of another black box. He retrieves his next clue.

You found this memory easy, right?
Lets travel back to a difficult night.
I know it hurts you more than it hurts me,
But don't be afraid, because I'm still complete.

I'll give you a better hint to find your next clue.
I'm already healed. It's time for you to.


A/N: ahhh, I'm glad to see that you guys are enjoying this! I was really nervous about it, to be completely honest. I love seeing your guesses, that made me so incredibly happy! 💕😭

I love you all so much! I'll be updating again soon, don't worry! 💕 (p.s. we aren't going back to sad, it's all about closure and bettering the future for happier times!)

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