Chapter 1

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Tris POV
A new start. That's what my parents are calling this. I can't believe it. Another school for me to hate, more people to ignore me. I sigh as I get up. Today's the day. The day I start at Chicago High. I moved here from New York. My parents decided we had to move because neither me or Caleb were very happy. But I would rather have stayed there, people tolerated me there. When I was younger it was different. I could talk to anyone, I had so many friends, everyone seemed to like me. And then it all changed. I went to high school and people started to get nasty. Everyone changed, including me.

I'm now the shy girl nobody looks at twice. Im always reading, I play the violin and the piano, I love history and English and I'm terrible at sport. My mum once joked that I was born in the wrong century but I think that's true. I love the idea of balls. The parties, the food, the music, the dresses. I love it all.

I'm not like most teenage girls. I would rather stay in my room all day listening to music than going outside. I would rather stay at home and read than go out partying. I would rather be pale than tanned. I don't care about how I look, my hair could be in tangles but I would care. I don't wear makeup. And I think that some of the clothes that girls wear today, are ridiculous. They barely cover their bodies. I would never wear anything like that. It's repulsive.

I'm 16 now and I've never had a proper friend. And I know that's not going to change. I put on a blue jumper, skinny jeans and blue vans. I brush my hair and teeth and wash my face. There I look like the plain shy girl. Hopefully I don't stand out. I hate attention.

I grab my violin case incase I have music today. I put my bag over my shoulder and run down the stairs. My parents are waiting at the bottom with my brother Caleb. We eat breakfast, but don't really talk. As Caleb and I get up to leave, my mum says, "Enjoy your first day! And try to make friends ok?" I nod but it won't work. Nobody would want to be friends with me. "Oh and Beatrice. Remember you have to go and work in the diner today." I nod. I have to work in a 50's style diner. Maybe I can meet friends, not!

We get to the school building and I sigh. So many people. I put my head down and go to the office. The lady there is very friendly and she gives me my schedule and my locker number. I walk off to find my way around school. I have at least an hour, Caleb made us leave so early.

I eventually find my locker and put my stuff in. Then I wander off to find my homeroom. It's right beside my locker which is lucky. I go inside and see a few groups of people standing about, squealing and hugging and saying things like,"How was your summer?" Some look at me but I don't look up. I don't want to see them laughing at me.

I find an empty corner and curl up, taking out my book. It's 'The Mortal Instruments:City of Bones'. It's one of my favourites. A group of laughing teenagers come in and I look up. There's 3 girls and 3 boys. They don't seem to notice me so I look away. The bell rings and I put away my book. I go to a desk at the back of the room beside a window.

Then the unexpected happens. A girl, a pretty girl comes and sits beside me. "Hi!," She says, "I'm Christina! Your new, aren't you? What's your name?" I think, Beatrice doesn't sound right. "Um well my name is Beatrice but people call me Tris." I answer. Tris, I like it. A new name for a new place. I can be remade here.

💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 Hey guys! So how did you like it? Should I continue it on? Please tell me what you thought. Bye! 😊💕

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