Chapter 61

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Tris POV

I decide to get a tattoo of three birds, ravens, to represent my mother,father and unborn sibling. They left me behind. But I intend on finding out what happened.

After half an hour I get up from the chair to inspect the ink. It's beautiful! They ravens line up so they lead to my heart. I bet the girls will love it.

When Four and I get back to my car, we just sit in it for a minute. What should we do now? We decide to go back to school for the last two lessons.

Everyone wants to know where we've been but I want to keep my tattoo a surprise for tonight. So I just say, that we were getting something to eat. They don't look completely convinced but they don't press it any further. Phew

Everything's going great until I'm pushed up against the lockers. I struggle to see who it is. Great. Lauren and Brittany. "Listen here you slut, we heard that you were going to the dance with Four. Well forget it. Break it off now. He's mine. Always has been, always will be. If you show up with him, well let's just say, you, me, and Peter are going to have a problem. Got it?" and with that Lauren shoves me away. I slap her and run away. I don't want to be banned from the dance

Great. I need to forget Four. He's trouble. Girls like Lauren thinks he is theirs, girls like me wish he was. What did u just say that? Yea I guess I did. I wish he would quit the crazy life of bimbos and booze and join the real world. I want to see the real Four. Sadly he is somewhere we'll never find him.


hey guys! How was that? Thank you so much for 20k! I seriously cannot believe it! I did not expect that at all! You guys are the best!

S.O.T.C: The Edge by Tonight Alive. I only recently found out about this song but I love it already! If you know what film this is from I will love you forever! It's one if my favourites!

Bye guys! 😊💕

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