Chapter 9

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Tris POV
The next day Christina announces that we are going shopping. I groan. I always feel awkward and out of place when I go shopping. "Come on! It'll be fun! And maybe you'll find a cute guy!" she squeals while wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and scoff,"Yeah right."

We get ready and within 20 minutes we're in Christina's car. "So, how do like it here?" she asks me and I reply,"Its great I guess. I'm glad I made amazing friends. I never was very good at making friends. My brother and I were always together. But he is in different classes." She smiles at me and then gasps,"Did you hear that at the end of the year we have to choose a 'faction'?" I shake my head confused. "Well," she explains,"There are 5 factions, Amity, Abnegation, Candor, Dauntless and Erudite. Otherwise known as the peaceful, the selfless, the honest, the brave and the smart. We have to choose one and then we do the classes that come with it."

"What sort of classes?" I ask and she goes on,"Amity do the clubs and music. They sort out plays and they have a greenhouse. Most Amity students go on to be farmers. Abnegation are student helpers. They are sort of guidance councillors and most are civil servants when their older. Then there's Candor. They have the student court and that sort of stuff. They also help teachers with marking tests and stuff because they're honest. Most become lawyers. Dauntless have self-defence classes and that sort of stuff. They help students beat bullies and they mostly become police officers. And then Erudite. They do all honours classes. They're super smart and some are even student teachers. They become teachers or scientists."

I nod but it's a lot of information to take in. "So what do you think you'll choose?" she asks. I think for a minute. Even though I do music, I'm not very peaceful so not Amity. I lie too much so not Candor. I'm quite smart, I'm quite brave and I'm quite selfless so either Erudite, Dauntless or Abnegation. "I don't know. I have 3 options." I tell her and she looks impressed. "Really? Most people,including me, only get one. You must be a Divergent. They're super rare and everyone's slightly scared of them because they don't fit in. Rumours have it that the head teacher, Mrs Matthews, has spies that find out who is Divergent and throws them out of the school, one way or another. But don't worry I won't tell. Oh and I have to tell you, if you fail 'initiation', then you become factionless. They have to do a mixture of classes but they don't get any of the good opportunities that people in factions get. I'm going to choose Dauntless."

Maybe I will too. We get to the mall and we walk inside. I look around and then my heart stops. "Christina,we need to leave now. Please." I plead but she looks around me. "What's wrong?" she asks and I look back again. There they are, Peter, Molly and Drew. They came from where I did. They always bullied me. Hopefully they don't notice me-wait scratch that. They're coming over here.

"Beatrice so nice to see you again." Molly snorts. I look at the ground and Peter steps closer to me," Better watch your back, stiff." he growls and then they stalk away. "Wait you know those three?" Christina asks. I nod and explain how they used to pick on me. She looks shocked and then says,"They truly are horrible. They moved here a few years back. But don't worry they won't get near you."
I just hope that's true.

I smell burning flesh. I look down and my arms and legs are bound together. I struggle to get away but it's no use. Then a face comes out of the shadows and ties me to a stake. Then the fire starts. I see more bodies around me. I struggle to get away. Then Peter steps out and taunts me. Telling me I'm about to die. Drew and Mollie laugh. Then the bolt because a police officer smashes in. And that's when I black out.
*****Flashback Ends*****

They tried to kill me that day. I thought is never see them again. I was wrong. I see Christina talking to someone and I notice it's Will. I don't want to interrupt so I gesture to Christina I'll wait. I sit down on a bench. That memory really shook me up. I'm cold all over. I take out my book and begin to read. It'll help me escape from everything. I carry a book everywhere with me. Then I see a big group of teenagers come in. It's the same group as last night. The 'populars', with one more guy. I think he's called Eric. They look over at me and I look away. They walk past and then the unexpected happens.

The girl, Marlene I think sits down beside me. "Hey! I'm Marlene. I remember you from last night. Tris right?" she asks and I nod, unable to speak. "Sorry if I'm bothering you." she says and I shake my head. "No no it's ok. I'm just waiting on my friend." and I point to Christina. She's still talking earnestly with Will. Marlene nods and we start having a conversation. Eventually we get to the subject of factions. "I'm definitely choosing Dauntless. It's in my blood. What about you?" She asks and I shrug,"I honestly have no idea. But I think I'll choose Dauntless." She grins and then the rest of the group comes back. "Marlene, come on. You don't want to be seen hanging around with such a nobody." Lauren says with a smirk. I look away and then Marlene answers,"Actually she's really nice Lauren. And interesting. More interesting than you." Lauren looks enraged and then she grabs Eric and stomps off. "Wow..." I say,'She really hates me." "Don't take it personally. She hates anyone who's not in her group. So that's basically everyone." Lynn says. I nod and then Christina runs over. "There you are. Come on, I have big news!" and she pulls me away. I look around and wave at the group. I look at Four and I see he's already looking at me, with a weird smile on his face. I turn back around, blushing. Weird...
💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗Hey guys! Please tell me what you thought in the comments! I'd love to hear it! Bye guys! 😊💕

Divergent High: A Cinderella StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz