Chapter 23

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Four POV

Uh oh. We turn around and I see a horrified Tris standing there. Well isn't this just peachy? "What the hell, Tris? Were you spying on us?"Marlene hisses and Tris rapidly shakes her head. "No, no of course not. I woke up, and wanted some water. So I came downstairs and I heard noises coming from outside. So I came to look, only to see this. So what's going on, or so you want me to tell everyone else. I'm sure Uriah would love to hear it, Marlene." she hisses and she raises an eyebrow.

"Wow, Tris it sounds like your jealous." Marlene replies cooly. Tris laughs, unkindly, and then answers, sarcastically,"Yeah, oh yeah I'm so jealous. Of course I would be jealous of a cheater." Marlene looks startled and then stutters,"Im not, we're not..." "Not cheaters? Then what would you call this? You know never mind, I don't want to hear it. You disgust me, the both of you. I won't tell anyone, yet. I'll give you both until the end of summer. If you don't tell anyone by then, well you'll see." and with that she storms off. She wouldn't tell, would she?

Tris POV

I cannot believe this! Cheaters! How could they do this? I feel so sorry for Uriah. And I'm sorta upset myself. I thought Four was different. I mean he seemed so nice, oh forget it. He's just the same as the rest of them.

After a while I send them home, glaring at Marlene and Four. They glare back, but Four looks at me pleadingly. I roll my eyes and slam the door. Why was I caught in this?

****Time Skip****

It's the day of the talent show. I'm so nervous. I invited all the girls around, even Marlene. I didn't want anyone to get suspicious. Even though I hate her right now. Christina does my makeup and then curls my hair. She puts a braided-light brown leather headband in my hair. Then I put on my outfit, long midnight blue, sparkly skinny-jeans, a dark blue tank top and a light-brown fringed waistcoat. I shove on my midnight blue Vans and race down the stairs. We jump in the car and drive to the school.

The rest of the girls walk ahead on in and I pull Marlene aside. "Have you told anyone yet? Cause the end of school is in 2 days." I ask and she shakes her head. "No not yet. We don't even know if it's serious." she answers. I scoff and answer,"Well are you dating?" She nods and I continue,"Well there you go, your dating so it's serious. I mean what I said, I will tell them." and with that I walk away.

Soon enough I have to go on stage. I'm terrified. I take my ukelele and start to sing La Vie En Rose. By the time I'm done, basically everyone is crying, including Marlene. I'm put through and then I have to sing my own, original song. It's called Say Something. (It's actually by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera)

When I'm finished people are crying again. I think it's easier for me to write sad songs, I seem to like them better. I'm put through again, so now I have to sing the duet. Oh great. He looks at me and I roll my eyes. Yeah I've still not forgiven him. And I don't plan on it.

I at down at the piano and he sits down on the stool beside me. It feels weird, being this close to him, knowing he's a dirty rotten cheater. Soon I begin to play and we start to sing Almost is Never Enough by Arianna Grande and Nathan Sykes.

We sing and he keeps trying to look at me but I don't look at him. I'd throw up. But seriously it would be totally awkward. My hands are shaking slightly so he places his hands over mine, to help me play. I nod slightly to thank him. We soon finish and I stand up and bow, pulling him with me. We run off stage and only 3 people can go through. They are Lauren, gag, Nita, double gag and me! What! But seriously how did they get through?

The last category was to sing a song from the heart. This song is very close to my heart, and it'll be very emotional. I wouldn't be surprised if I started to cry half way through. The music starts and I begin to sing 'Innocent' by Taylor Swift. Everyone is listening in silence and when I finish they are still silent. Was I really that bad? But then everyone starts clapping and cheering and chanting my name. I blush and now and run off stage. I thought I was horrible.

The host then announces,"Well I think we have a clear winner. The winner of the $500 mall gift card and the complete makeover is....Tris Prior!" I squeal and rush back on stage. Lauren and Nita stomp their feet and huff but I don't care. I've won the talent show and soon I will be in Dauntless.

The gang comes over and congratulates me. I smile and thank them even Marlene and Four but when I'm hugging them I whisper into their ears,"Don't forget what I said. I'll still tell them. You have to tell everyone within two days or I will." They nod but look shocked, as if I didn't mean what I said. Well, news-flash I did.

We all say goodbye and then I drive the girls home. They all wave goodbye and I travel home. My parents are there in the living room. "So how'd it go?" my mum asks and I laugh and tell them. They laugh and congratulate me, then I got to bed. That was a tiring day.

****The Next Day****

The next day is pretty boring. I mean really boring until the end. We choose our factions! I walk up to the woman and she gives me a slip of paper. I write down my name and Dauntless. I thank the woman and walk away. Soon enough we all meet up outside the school. "So what did you all pick?" I ask and everyone shouts,"Dauntless!" We all laugh and Peter saunters over. "So

Stiff, did you choose Abnegation?" I glare at him and reply,"No, I chose Dauntless." He glares and it fades. "Bad choice Stiff." he hisses and then he walks away.

"What was that about?" Christina asks and I shake my head. "It's nothing, just Peter being Peter. Anyway where's Marlene and Four?" I ask. They all shrug and Uriah says,"They were here a second ago." We start to look for them but I know what their doing. Oh well, they've had this coming. Soon enough we find them behind the school, and you guessed it, kissing...

💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗Uh oh! Busted! Woah that was a long chapter! Anyway please tell me what you thought! Id live to hear

it! Bye guys! 😊💕

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