Chapter 30

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Tris POV

Everything's changed. People are acting completely different. There's basically no colour. And I could be murdered at any second. The weird thing is that we still have to go to school. I don't know why.

I get to the Dauntless section of Chicago. It's all basically underground. No one remembers anything about their past life. No one but me. I hate it, being the only person who knows this. It's dangerous. I can't trust anyone.

We are all given beds and told to go to the canteen in 15 minutes. It's still weird that Fours our instructor. I mean he was one of my closest friends. Was.

I take out my memory pack again and read over it. Caleb's in Erudite, my parents in Abnegation. I won't see them again unless they visit on visiting day. Which I highly doubt. I sigh and start to daydream.

None of my friends remember anything, they don't remember being friends. We've been split into transfers and Dauntless-borns. That basically means if your family was originally in Dauntless, your a Dauntless born but if they are in a different faction, your a transfer. Christina and Will are transfers too. So is Al. Recently he's been hanging around with us, because he can't remember anything. I still don't trust him.

Sadly Peter, Drew and Molly are transfers too. Great. Even though they don't remember anything, they still hate me. I'm a 'stiff' apparently. Someone from Abnegation. I'll show them, never underestimate a small, skinny girl.

Marlene, Uriah and Lynn are Dauntless borns. But we never really see each other since we're trained separate. Lauren is their instructor. Don't ask me how that happened.

I'm scared because failing initiation means more than getting kicked out if school. It means having to be factionless. They're basically homeless. I couldn't live like that. Id rather die.

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰Hey guys! How was that? Please tell me what you thought and thanks so much for 4K! Anyway please read my last update about the new story, I really need help! Thanks again. Bye! 😊 💕

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