Chapter 22

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Tris POV
The next day at school is completely normal. Christina squeals every four seconds, Lauren glares at me, Nita acts like Lauren's personal slave and Peter threatens me. You know, your basic school day.

I can't wait for after school though. I can't wait for the sleepover. It's gonna be so fun. And my parents won't be there. That makes it better. Soon enough, the bell rings and we all rush out. We start to walk and Lauren saunters up. "Heyy Four. What you doing hanging around with these losers? Come on, we can do something fun." she purrs and I roll my eyes. "*cough* slut *cough*" I say and she glares at me, while everyone else laughs. "Lauren if you don't remember then your going out with Eric and you broke up with me. So no thanks." Four replies cooly. She glares at us all and then huffs away.

We all laugh and they high-five me. "Wow Tris. You really put Lauren in her place." Christina laughs. They all nod in agreement and we continue to walk home. "Hey and you shouldn't listen to her. None of you are losers." Four adds and we nod. I smile. I have amazing friends.

We get to my house and I immediately spot a letter. I pick it up and read,

As you already know we are away on business. We should be back in 3 days time. You have your credit card and there is lots of food in the kitchen. Please don't have any parties but you can invite a few friends around. Caleb is away at his friends house for the weekend, so don't worry about him.

Be good, we love you,
Your Parents

Well at least Caleb won't be here to annoy me. I go to the gang and say,"So what do you want to do first?" They all think and then Christina squeals,"The mall!" Shauna and Marlene agree whilst the rest of us groan. "No! I will not!" Uriah exclaims and Christina gives us death glares. "Ok how about we go to the skate-rink?" I suggest and they all agree.

We walk outside and I jump in my car. "Last two people in have to walk!" I shout and they all push their way towards the car. Eventually everyone but Marlene and Four shove in. We all laugh at them and they look at us pleadingly. We shake our heads and then we decide. "You have to walk to Zeke and Uriah's house. Then they will give you a rude from there." I say and then we drive off, laughing.

Four POV
Me and Marlene begin walking, in awkward silence. I mean she's ok, she's pretty and sweet but she's Uriah's girlfriend. I would never do that to him, would I? I notice she's talking to me but I wasn't listening. "Hmm I'm sorry what?" I ask. She blushes and mumbles "it doesn't matter."

I look at her and she rolls her eyes and sighs. "Ok so I was wondering. Do you like anyone? Ok that sounds weird but I'm curious." she asks, blushing. I think for a minute. Do I like anyone? I mean everyone but Lynn and Tris has boyfriends. Lynn, no way and Tris, she's ok, I think I may like her a bit. But I keep thinking, Marleen. She's still looking at me expectingly and I reply,"Does this answer your question?" and I lean down. We kiss and she pulls away. "Really? Me? I thought you liked Tris." she says and I shake my head. "No I like you." I answer. She smiles and then looks worried,"What about Uriah?"

I shake my head and reply,"What about him? We don't need to tell anyone. We can keep this our little secret." She nods and smiles. By the time we get to Uriah's house I feel better. I have a girlfriend. I never thought I would steal one of my best friends girlfriends. But I have and I don't care.

****Time Skip*****
Tris POV
We get to the skate-rink and I can't help noticing that Four and Marlene seem different. What happened on that walk? Could something have happened? I try to listen to what their talking about but I can't.

We skate around for a bit and then I get tired. So I sit down and watch everyone. They all seem so happy, I can't help but feel a little lonely. Eventually I decide we should go home and I round up the gang. We go back home and we just go to sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night to strange noises coming from outside. I walk outside and gasp. Oh... my.... gosh..

Marlene POV
I feel someone shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and see Four. I smile and he gestures for me to come. I get up and he brings me outside. "So are we ever going to tell anyone?" I ask and he shakes his head slightly. "I don't think so,not for a while anyway." he replies and I shrug. It doesn't matter.

We kiss for a while and I smile. I've never felt like this before. Not even with Uriah. He holds me close and I sigh. This is perfect. "We should go back in now. In case someone gets suspicious." he whispers and I nod. I really don't want to. We kiss one last time and then I hear a small gasp. Uh oh, busted.
💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗Hey guys! So how do you feel about Marlene and Four? I don't like it but I have lots of ideas for this so don't hate me. I'll probably update soon again because I have so many ideas. Anyway please tell me what you thought! bye guys! 😊💕

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