Chapter 19

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Tris POV

When I go to school the next day everyone is looking at me weirdly. When I can't stand it any more I shout,"What? What is everyone looking at?" They all blush and look away. Then Christina grins and squeals. I cover my ears, grimacing. "What was that for?" I shout and she blushes. "Ok don't get mad. But we may have followed you home last night and we may have listening to you singing." "What?" I shout. "There's more," she continues,"Marlene May have been recording it and I may have taken the tape and sent it into the talent show judges and you may be now in the talent show." I stand there shocked. No no no I can't do that. "Tris you ok?" Marlene asks and I look up. "I'm gonna kill you guys!" I scream and they all run away laughing.

I grin as I run and I eventually catch up with one of them, Four. I jump on his back and shout,"Onwards my trusty steed." He laughs and runs on. We catch up with the group and I jump on top of them all, pulling Four with me. We sit there laughing until the bell rings and we go to class. "So does this mean your not angry?" Christina asks hopefully. I shake my head,"I am still pretty mad. But I forgive you. I am going to need all the help I can get." I say and she squeals and hugs me again. I laugh and hug her back.

Time Skip

When we get to music I'm pulled aside by Tori. "Hey Tris I heard you entered into the talent show. I didn't know you could sing!" she tells me and I blush. "Yeah I don't really like to sing in front of people." She smiles and says,"You have nothing to worry about! I saw the video, your amazing! You'll win for sure!" she tells me and I smile. But then Lauren and Nita storm up. "I wouldn't be so sure. We're entering and we're the best ever." Lauren smirks. "Yeah, like totally!"Nita adds. "Well we'll just see, won't we." Tori says and they smirk. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tori roll her eye. I laugh and she smiles. Lauren glares and I roll my eyes before sitting down.

After class Tori comes over to me and tells me that I can use her classroom to practice any time I wanted. I thank her and run out of the classroom. I run out of the school only to be stopped by none other than Lauren and Nita. "Don't even think about trying to win that show. Oh and hope you had a great time on your date last night." they laugh and I stand there. Then a deep voice rumbles,"Ok now Lauren how about you give me a taste of your singing? Id love to hear it." I turn around to see Four. I look at him. He mouths at me play along as Lauren and Nita start to rip out my eardrums i.e. start singing Fancy. When they finish Lauren shouts,"That was a sample of the talent show. If you want to hear more, and you will, make sure to be there." I take that as my opportunity and i rush away.

I hear thumping footsteps behind me and I know it's Four. "Careful someone might think your obsessed." I joke and he smiles at me. "Now why would they think that? I like to think myself quite the knight in shining armour." I laugh and reply,"Yes always swooping in to save me, the damsel in distress. My hero." I clasp my hands together and he laughs. "Hey you shouldn't really be worried about the talent show. I was there last night, I heard. You have an amazing voice. Can I ask where that song came from?" he asks. I freeze but then relax. I might as well tell someone.

"Well, I can't remember it that well but I think I used to be sung to every night and that was most commonly sung. At least that's what I think." I tell him and he looks at me confused. "You don't remember much of your past?" he asks and I shake my head. "Nope, not really. Just bits and pieces, here and there." I say. "Is there a reason? Did something happen?" he presses further. I shake my head, suddenly dizzy. "I-I don't feel computable talking about this." I look away and he just replies,"I understand. Some things take time. But, hey, if you ever need to talk, or get something off your chest, just come to me, ok?"

I nod shocked. I don't know why he's saying this, or why I told him all that stuff about my past but I did. I turn up my drive and then turn around to wave goodbye, but he seems deep in thought. I wonder what he's thinking about. I go into the house and immediately check my email. Apparently the judges of the talent show will send me the rules and requirements. I open up the message. I have to sing the same song that was in the video, I song I wrote on my own, a duet with someone else in the competition and then a song from the heart. Hmm this is interesting. Well I won't have to do all of them, if I don't get through each of the rounds.

💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 Hey guys! Please tell me what you thought! Id love to hear it! Bye guys! 😊💕

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