Chapter 58

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Uriah POV

This is it. I'm finally going to ask Tris to the dance! I've wanted to from the start. I mean I like Marlene but I like Tris, maybe even more. Next to Tris, Marlene is a bag of hmmm what would she be, oh I know! Next to Tris she would be a bag of potatoes! Yeah that sounds about right.

"So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to the dance with me?" I ask. I seriously hope she says yes. She looks shocked, then repulsed, then sad. "Um Uriah, your a great guy but I'm already going with someone. And even if I wasn't i don't think I would. I'm sorry but your like my brother. And I wouldn't go to the dance with Caleb! And I think you have to talk to Marlene." and with that she walks away.

I should feel sad. I just got rejected by the prettiest girl in school. She called me her brother! She didn't friend-zone me , she brother-zoned me! But I don't feel anything. I just feel like I have to talk to Marlene.

Tris POV

Well that was horrible. I feel do bad but I had to do it, instead if giving him ideas. I close my locker and see Four behind it. "Hey so your going to the dance with someone?" he asks and I sigh and shake my head. His eyes light up but then it's gone. "Nope. Just had to get Uriah off my case." He nods and replies,"I heard you brother-zoned him."

Im shocked. "How did the news spread that fast? It happened like two minutes ago!" I exclaim and he rolls his eyes. "I have my ways. Anyway now your going to have to find someone." I nod. Oops I didn't think about that. hmm maybe if I don't go...

"So I was thinking do you want to go with me? You know as friends." he asks. I'm shocked. He wants to be seen with me? "Umm ok but just as friends right?" I say and he nods putting up his hands in surrender. "Yes just as friends. I won't try anything. Anyway you got me out of going with someone like Lauren or Brittany so thank you." We burst in to hysterics when Lauren and Brittany flounce off in a huff.

Wow so I just rejected one of my best friends, sent him back to his cheating ex and agree to go to the dance with my cheating ex. Just as 'friends'. Well we all know, no one goes as just friends. What is Four up to?


Hey guys! Big news! I posted the epilogue of my new story called Together. I would really appreciate it if you would check it out! Please tell me your thoughts if you do! It would mean the world to me!

S.O.T.C: The Last Time by Taylor Swift and Gary Lightbody. I really like this song! I only really got into it recently and I don't know why it took me so long.

Please check out my new story!

Bye guys! 😊💕

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