Chapter 46

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Tris POV

Four and I walk until we get to a secluded pond. I smile and turn to Four. "It's beautiful!" I gasp and he smiles back. "I thought that this place would be great for talking." he tells me. I nod, it's perfect. It's quiet, and there's no one around. Perfect.

We sit down and I turn to him. "Ok so what I'm about to tell you is a big secret, like a major big secret. So please don't tell anyone, ok?" I ask. He nods and I sigh. Then I begin to tell my story.

"When I was younger, everything was fine. Perfect even. But then it all changed. My parents and my brother and I all went out for a drive in the winter. The car was going over a bridge when we skidded out of control. The car fell over the side of the bridge. The car was filling with water fast and there was no way to get out. I thought I would die, I would either run out of oxygen and drown or I would be electrocuted. I was so close to dying when the ambulance workers saved me. I was brought to hospital. Apparently I almost drowned inside and out. Water had filled my lungs and they had to be drained. So yeah I survived. But my parents didn't. They're dead. My 'parents' at home, yeah their my adoptive parents. Caleb's still my real brother, he survived too but now he's really protective. But even he couldn't protect me from Peter, Drew or Molly."

I take a deep ragged breath and Four looks at me concerned. "You don't have to go on." he tells me but I shake my head. "You need to know this. It's fine. Well I started a new school and they immediately hated me. I never knew why. One day when I was walking home from school they grabbed me and knocked me out. When I woke up I was tied to a stake and they had started a fire. I had been beaten up pretty bad and they planned to burn me alive. I was so scared. Then the police bust into the warehouse and Peter, Drew and Molly ran away. They were never caught. I was to scared to rat them out. They could've killed me then, who's to know what they would've done then. So yeah, I've almost died two times." I didn't realise I was crying until Four wiped the tears away from my face.

"Hey it's ok. It's over. I'll protect you from now on. And I'm sorry about your parents. I didn't realise. But it's all ok. I'll be your family now. Now I have some things to tell you. My real names not Four-" I cut him off by saying sarcastically,"Oh really?! I didn't guess!" He laughs with me and then says,"This is serious." I nod, trying to keep a straight face,"Right serious. Name, Four, go." He laughs again and the continues,"Ok well my names not Four. It's Tobias. Tobias Eaton. You can call me that from now on. But only when we're alone. No one else knows my real name. My dad's Marcus Eaton. I hate him, he doesn't deserve the name dad. He used to beat me everyday. I saw him do it to my mother, and then she 'died'. But she's not actually dead, she just ran away. I hats her too. I always ask myself, Why didn't sen bring me with her? I'll never know. And I have to show you something."

He turns around and takes off his shirt. I gasp. His back is snowflaked with little white scars. There all old but they still look painful. "How could a father do this to his own son?" I whisper. It's terrible. I didn't think Marcus would be like that. He had us all fooled.

"Why aren't you giving me that look?" he asks softly as he turns around. I look up at him confused. "What look?" I asks and he looks away. "You know, the look. As if Im a kicked puppy or something." I make him face me,"Well your not. Your not a kicked puppy. Your so much stronger than that." He smiles and leans down. We kiss and I smile.

Even though I told him everything he isn't running for the hills. He's staying. I didn't realise it but he's almost as broken as I am. We're both broken but together we can fix each other.

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰Hey guys! How was that? Please tell me your thoughts and any ideas you have! I love hearing from you guys!

S.O.T.C: Ours by Taylor Swift. As you already know I really love Taylor's music. This song is just so sweet! Its definitely one of my favourites and the video is so cute! This song really suits Four and Tris I think. Don't ask me why I just do. You all should so look it up!

Bye guys! 😊💕

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