Chapter 11

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Tris POV
I walk through the door and see Four kissing Marlene and Uriah doesn't seem to mind! I look away blushing and then they pull away. "Oh,hey Tris and Christina! Sorry, but we started before you got here. That's what this-"she points at herself and Four,"was about, not that you care." Marlene explains. I nod and smile but all I can think is, yeah, if only I didn't care.

We sit down and Marlene turns to me,"Ok Tris, C or D?" I think and then answer,"Candor." "PANSYCAKE!"Uriah exclaimed. "Stop trying to make pansycake happen." Lynn shouts. "Anyway," Marlene says,glaring at Lynn and Uriah,"Tris! What happened between you and Peter and all?" I freeze up again.

"Stiff! Your about to die, stiff! Maybe if you beg we'll make it fast." Peter taunts. I shake my head, trying to shake free of the restraints. "Stiff? Why aren't you begging?" Mollie asks. I shake my head again, then I shout,"Why are you doing this?" They just laugh and then Drew answers,"Because, your a stiff! And we can't have anymore of you running around. Also someone in very high places wants you gone. And we were chosen for the task." he smirks at me and I look down. Smokes filing the room and I begin to black out...
*****Flashback Ends*****

"Tris? Tris are you ok?" I hear voices ask. I look up and realise they are all watching me, with worried and concerned looks in their eyes. "Yeah sorry. I'm fine." I answer and Marlene asks,"You sure cause you kinda started to daydream and your as white as a sheet." I nod and look at the floor. "Sorry, I just.. I can't answer that question." I tell them and they all look at each other. Then Will pipes up,"You know telling people about your problems is scientifically proven to help you release some of the bad memories." "Yeah,"Christina adds,"Please tell us Tris. You can trust us and we won't tell anyone else. I sigh. I should, if I do it now, then maybe they can help me. I trust these people. I nod and in a shaky voice say,"Ok, ok but you promise not to say anything to anyone?" They all nod and I look at the ground.

"It all started when we were 10" I begin. "They used to beat me up, call me names,that sort of stuff. But it got worse as we got older. Then when we were 15, last year before they all moved, they did the worst thing possible. They.....they tried to kill me. They came to my house and hit me over the head with a brick. They brought me to an old abandoned warehouse and tied me to a stake. I tried to get away but I just couldn't. My arms and legs were bound together. Then they lit a match. And they set fire to everything around me. They started to taunt me saying things like,"If you beg, we'll kill you quicker." It was horrible. It started to burn me and that's when I truly thought I was going to die. Then the police fought there way into the warehouse. And that's all I remember before I blacked out. They said they were going to kill me because I was a stiff. I almost died that day. That's what they did." And I rush off. I don't even turn around to see there reactions.

I run out to the garden with tears streaming down my face. I shouldn't have told them that. They're going to laugh, call me weak. I'm about to start to run home when someone says behind me,"Don't. Don't run. It's ok. We all understand. We think you are the bravest person we've ever met. And don't worry we won't tell anyone. It's ok. It's ok." they reassure me and I fell myself being enfolded in a sturdy hug. I look up and see Four looking at me. I pull away and wipe my face. "You probably think I'm a real mess." I joke. "Nope,"he replies."Like I said, your the bravest person I've ever met. Now come on, come back inside." I nod and we walk inside.

Everyone looks up and I look away. They all tell me exactly what Four did and I smile. I thought they would hate me. We continue playing and then Marlene asks Four a question that makes my heart skip a beat. "Four, who's your crush?" she asks and he replies coolly,"Obviously my girlfriend." We all look at him shocked. "Who!" everyone shouts. He shrugs and then says,"Nita." "What! That slut! Seriously Four! I thought we said that you would start taking dating seriously. Not going out with all these sluts!" Zeke shouts. "Who in this school would I go out with, that isn't a slut?!"Four replies.And if Marlene looked mad before, she's absolutely furious now. "Four! Seriously! There's plenty of girls. Take Tris for example!" she shouts. I said sit there shocked.Uh oh, this can't be good.

Four starts to laugh. "Yeah, right. The stiff! Of course,why didn't I think of that? Oh yeah that's right because it's her! I would never, and I mean never, date her! Who the hell would!" he shouts and then I gasp. I get it that he's mad, and that he doesn't like me but he didn't have to say that! I stand up with shaky hands and say,"I... I'm going to go." and I run from the room. "Wait Tris! Stop! I didn't mean it like-" Four shouts and then gets cut off by Marlene. "Didn't mean it like what? You know what get out! Everyone but the girls get out! This is over! And Four, I thought you were better. I actually thought you liked Tris, you cared about her. I was wrong." she shouts. Then Four shouts,"Of course i care about her. I just...I cant..." "Can't what? You know what go to hell Four. You obviously don't care about anyone but yourself." and with that all the girls run out to the hall.

"Tris come on. Don't listen. He's just being a dickhead. Come on. We'll find you someone. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Come on, let's go and watch a movie. You're staying over right?" Marlene asks. I nod and text my mom I'm staying. We walk into the living room and I stop dead when I see Four. "Tris. Please let me explain. I didn't mean to hurt you." He says and I shake my head. "You know what Four. Just leave. You obviously don't care. I just thought you were different. I thought we could be friends. But I was wrong. I'll leave you alone at school. Goodbye Four." I say and he looks pained. He gives me one last sorrowful look and I look at the ground, tears threatening to spill over. He turns around and walks out the door, just like he walked out my life.
💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner, but today's a big day where I'm from. So we were pretty busy. Please tell me what you thought in the comments! Id love to hear it! Bye Guys! 😊💕

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