Chapter 16

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Tris POV

I don't go to school again that week. My parents don't know what happened, they just think I'm sick. Caleb knows but he doesn't mention it. I'm glad. They would probably be ashamed of me. Christina and the girls keep trying to talk to talk to me but I ignore them. My back is healing but it's gonna be scared. Ugh, I'm seriously gonna kill Lauren and Nita. It's time someone took them down. But what can I do? I'm just a scared little girl.

My mum eventually makes me go to school the next Monday so I get dressed. I put on a long loose blue dress and blue flats. I need to show them that they had no effect on me. I walk through the doors of the school with my head down. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Christina runs over and pulls me into a corner. "Tris! Are you ok! Where have you been?" she asks and I shrug. "I'm fine just couldn't face everyone. They think I'm a loser, a freak." I say bitterly. Christina shakes her head shocked,"No no you've got it all wrong! They think your amazing! You stood up to the two girls who run this school. People aren't really afraid of Lauren and Nita anymore! All because of you!" she grins. Really? Because of me?

The rest of the day is actually quite good. Lauren and Nita give me dirty looks but I ignore then. They have no effect on me. I go to the practice rooms at lunch to play my violin. It helps me. I have a very high barrier, I find it hard to trust people, so it lets out some of my emotion. I play and play until my hands are stiff and my fingertips are raw. I find it beautiful, how the sound of a lone violin can create so much emotion. I jump when I hear people clapping.

I turn around and see the girls with Will, Uriah, Zeke and....Four? What? I look at them in shock. " were listening?" I stutter and they al nod eagerly. "Wow.. Tris you have such an amazing talent!" Christina gushes and they all nod in agreement. I blush and look at the ground. "Come on! You have to admit your good!"Shauna says and I shrug. "I may be good, but Im not amazing. Not yet." I reply and they look at me as if I have two heads or something. "No. You are amazing! Amazing doesn't even begin to describe it!"Four tells me. I'm shocked. I shake my head and say,"Look, I have to go. I'm late for work." and I rush out the door.

Oh that was so embarrassing! They are lying anyway. I'm not amazing, not even good. I'll never be the best. I get into the diner and start work.

After hours of taking orders and giving them out I flip down on my bed. Well I'm tired. And trust me I will never eat a take-out again. Ugh! I put on some music and get ready for bed. Caleb comes in and asks about today and I tell him the truth.He nods and leaves. It's like he doesn't trust me. After hours of reading and listening to music, I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up, panting and sweaty after nightmares full of water, darkness and suffocation. Memories of my life come flooding back and I push my hands into my head, trying to make them stop. Why won't they stop?

💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗Hey guys! So what's up with Tris? Sorry for the boring chapter, but it was more of a filler. Ok so here we go:

Ten Facts About Me!

➰My name is Tamzin YouDontNeedToKnowMyLastName.

➰I live in the UK

➰I'm 13 and my birthdays in December

➰I'm described as being mysterious,shy,reckless and devious

➰My family and friends don't know that I write on this

➰My favourite songs are Almost is never enough by Ariana Grande, When the darkness comes by Colbie Caliet, Glorious by Foxes and Both of us by B.O.B and Taylor Swift

➰My favourite books are the Divergent Series, the Mortal Instruments series or Sisters Red

➰Ive played the violin and piano since I was 7

➰When I'm older I want to live in New York

➰I actually really do not at all like TFIOS! At all! I didn't cry at the book or the film! I found it stupid and pointless! And over-rated! Please don't get mad! Put it's my opinion! And if you like it that's ok. But I don't.

Sorry if they were boring! I'm actually quite a boring person really! Please comment what you thought of this chapter Bye guys! 😊💕

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