Chapter 15

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Christina POV
What! Tris did come, she looked awesome, she lied to us all and then she won Court Queen? Wow, just wow. Lauren and Nita are gonna kill her. Uh oh.

Lauren POV
What the heck?!! That nobody comes here and steals my crown? She needs to be put in her place. And I have the perfect plan. "Hey Nita. You want to help me with something?"

Nita POV
Omg! Lauren has the perfect plan to get rid of that pest,Tras or something. I mean who does she think she is? Now she's gonna think she can get my Four. Well news flash, he'd never go for someone like her!

Tris POV
The rest of the night my phone is constantly blowing up. I ignore it all, I can't be bothered with the drama. But eventually I look at the things people have been saying and it's actually quite sweet. "Tris is such an inspiration! You go girl!" or "Everyone should be more like Tris! She's so sweet!" Its amazing! But I sort of don't like it.

The next day is spent with Christina squealing, people giving me smiles and Christina arguing. "I can't even.. how did you pull this one off?" I laugh and we go to class. At lunch I get a note that says I have to go to the auditorium. I walk in and go up on the stage. "Hello? Anyone here?" I ask. The Lauren and Nita step out of the shadows. "Well well well, if it isn't Tras." Nita smirks. "It's Tris actually." I tell her and Lauren says,"Whatevs we don't really care. Just get ready for the humiliation of your life!" Uh oh...

Four POV
The whole school is asked to go into the auditorium. I wonder what this is all about. I see Lauren and Nita on the stage pushing around another girl. Tris I think. Then all of a sudden the rush of the stage and Tris is soaked with ice water. Then someone darts forward and shoves her over. She slips and falls and everyone laughs, except me and Tris' friends. What are they doing to her?

Then people start to take pictures and they throw rotten food at her. She tries to protect herself but she cant. After the food runs out, she is then soaked again and Lauren and Nita run up and beat her up. They pull up her shirt and take out a belt. I freeze up. Memories come flooding back, of my time with Marcus. They whip her back several times and eventually she passes out. I want to go help but I can't. The crowd is too big. Lauren snaps a picture and then Nita announces,"Everyone take a look at Tras. She's such a loser. I mean look at how pathetic she is. Do you really think she's as amazing anymore? Also take this as a message, anyone who threatens us, well this'll happen. K? Now scram!" and everyone rushes out.

I run up to Tris and she's awake again. When she sees me, she backs up. "Get away! Your one of them!Leave me alone!" and with that she runs away. What did they do?

I go up to Nita and Lauren and they smirk when they see me coming. "Hey Four! Did you like our little show? We really put that loser into place didn't we? We did good, right?" Nita says and I shake my head. "No, you didn't do good. That was such a horribly shallow thing to do. I can't believe you did that. You know what we're through." I shout and she looks shocked. "Yay! Your coming back to me right?" Lauren asks and I look at her. Did she really ask that? "No, no I'm not. I hate both of you, Im sick of the sight of you." I tell them and they look angry. "Its because of her isn't it? don't tell me you like her!" Nita shouts angrily and I shake my head. "No, I don't. But no one should be treated like that. You are both shallow disputable human beings and I hate you. Pull something like that again and I'll ruin you. I will do it. Now leave." I say and the run. Being the most popular boy in school has it's perks.

Tris POV
I can't believe that just happened. I run to the bathrooms crying. I go into a stall and lock the door. The door opens and Lauren and Nita come in. "Oh look. How pathetic! Loser!" they taunt and I run out crying harder.

I run home. My backs stinging from the whipping, my face is swollen. Nobody helps me, no body looks at me. They're too scared of Lauren and Nita. I get home and lock the door behind me. No bodies home so I rush to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and get in. I scream when the water hits my back, it's so painful. The steam rises and I find it hard to breath.

The water rises. I scream trying to get out but I can't. Nobody comes to help. The water covers my mouth and I can't breathe. It's so painful, suffocation. It's like you know you shouldn't but you try to breathe anyway. It hurts but you do it anyway.
*****Flashback ends*****

I shove my way out of the shower gasping hard. I get dressed again and lean with my back against the cool wall. When will these memories stop?
💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗Hey guys! Dramatic chapter I know. Please tell me what you thought in the comments. Would you guys like a 10 facts about me? I wouldn't mind if you would? Please tell me what you thought! Bye guys! 😊💕

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