Chapter 7

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Tris POV

This week went really fast. Christina and Will are like my new best friends. We do everything together, even if I do feel like a bit of a third wheel. Sometimes this guy called Al hangs around with us. Christina thinks he likes me but I don't care. He's sweet and all, but I just don't feel that way about him. I haven't had any more confrontations with the 'populars' again. But I'm going to a party tonight, which you guessed it, is being thrown by Zeke.

I go to Christina's house after school. My parents didn't mind me going to the party, they think I need to get out more often. I'm staying over at Christina's after so I don't need to worry about getting home. "Come on, come on! We need to get ready!" Christina squeals. I sigh and roll my eyes.

After hours of dresses, makeup and shoes, we are finally ready. Christina's wearing a burgundy skintight dress that goes down to her knees. She made me wear a cream strapless dress that goes down to my knees in lacy layers. She put my hair in a side braid. But I had to draw the line at makeup. "No. I'm not putting any of that on." I tell her and she sighs.

We leave and walk to Zekes house, which isn't too far away. As we walk towards the door I start to panic. But Christina literally grabs my wrist and drags me into the house. Inside it's a mess. The pungent smell of alcohol mixes with the smell of sweaty teenagers. I gag. But I'm slightly interested. This is my first party.

After a few hours of watching from the sidelines,i notice that Four is doing the same. That's interesting, I would've thought he would've been in the centre of it all. He looks over at me and I look down, and start to fiddle with one of my bracelets. I look up again and he's gone. Phew! Christina runs over from dancing with Will. "Tris your really missing out! This party's amazing!" She shouts over the music. I smile but I quite enjoy watching from the sidelines. I guess you could say that I'm a wallflower. Scratch that, I'm the queen of wallflowers.

Christina then pulls me through the crowd into a basement. "We are playing Candor or Dauntless. Anyone who's afraid May as well get out now!" Zeke tells us. "Yeah you pansycakes!" Uriah adds. I laugh and sit down. I've actually never played before. "So the penalty is that you have to take off one item of clothing, not including socks or shoes." Zeke explains. I worry then. I'm only wearing a dress, a blazer and underwear. And i would rather like to keep on my dress.

"So since your the newbie, Tris! Candor or Dauntless?" Zeke asks. "Candor." I reply. What's the worst they can do? "Do you think I'm hot?" he asks smirking. Well this is an easy one. I look him dead in the eye and reply,"No." He looks offended and I laugh, and so does everyone else. "Anyway Christina. Candor or Dauntless?" I ask her. "Candor." she replies uncertainly. I smile evilly, wrong answer. "Do you love Will?" I ask her. She gives me a death glare and answers in a quiet voice,"Yes". She starts to blush but Will goes up to her and kisses her.

We play on for ages and I have just taken off my blazer and that was cause I had to kiss Peter. I mean I did kiss a few boys like Uriah and Four, but that was only on the cheek. And they aren't totally disgusting pervs, I think. "Once a stiff, always a stiff." the boy Peter smirks. "Excuse me?" I say and Christina explains,"A stiff is a someone who lives in those posh houses and don't go to parties and act all stuck up. Not that your like that." I nod but I still feel quite offended. is that what they think of me? "Anyway," Al says,"Tris Candor or Dauntless?" "Candor." I reply. "Do you like me? Will you go out with me?" he asks and I'm suddenly frozen. "Uh.. I'm sorry Al, but no. Of course I like you but as a friend, nothing more." I answer and he looks upset and then angry. He glares at me and I look at Christina. "I'm going to go. Meet me outside soon?" and she nods.

I get up and walk outside. Well that was awkward. I hear a noise behind me and I turn around. I don't see anything so I turn around again. Then I see Four standing beside me. "You sure know how to make a guy feel good." he laughs. I blush and wonder why he's talking to me. "What was I supposed to do? Say yes and then humiliate him more?I just don't feel that way, okay? Anyway, why are you out here? Shouldn't you be in there?" I retort.

"Yeah, your right. Sadly, parties aren't my thing. Your the same. Only here for your friends. You'd rather be at home with a book and your music wouldn't you?" he replies and I'm shocked. "Yes, I suppose your right. Anyway it's not much of your business." I tell him. He laughs and says,"You really are-" but I never heard what I was because Christina came running out. "There you are! I was looking all over for you-." she stops short when she sees Four. "Yes? What are you doing here?" she asks him angrily. "I was talking to your friend who you left to wait outside on her own. I mean who knows what could've happened to her?" he says just as angrily. He turns to me and says,"See you around.... Tris." and he walks off.

Christina turns to me and says,"What was that al about? What did he say?" I explain everything that happened,"See it was nothing. I don't even know what he was doing. And before you say, no he does not like me. He's him and I'm me. Never gonna happen." She shrugs and says,"I suppose your right. Guys like Four just want girls and then after he's got them he wants then to leave him alone. But I was right about Al wasn't I?" she grins and I groan.

We walk home arguing about it. Eventually I end it by saying,"I don't like him, I never have, I never will. I feel horrible about humiliating him but that won't change my feelings." She grins and says,"So there's no other guys you like? You can tell me, I won't judge as long as you don't say Will." I laugh and say,"No Wills all yours. I don't really like anyone, I mean I don't think so." "Not even Four?" she replies wiggling her eyebrows. I chuckle and say,"No, I don't think so. I barely know the guy. We were just talking. Anyway, a guy like that would never like a girl like me. He seems like the guy who likes the slutty girls, he doesn't seem like he would want a proper relationship. And I don't think I could trust a guy like that." She nods and we get back to her house.

"To be honest I'm surprised your not drunk." I tell her and she laughs. "Ha ha very funny. Anyway it's not that late. Do you want to watch movies and then we will play our own game of Candor or Dauntless?" she asks and I nod. Today was actually a pretty good day. But why did Four talk to me and why did he seem so protective?

💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗Hey guys! So that was a long chapter! Please tell me what you thought in the comments! Id love to hear it! Bye Guys! 😊💕

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