Chapter 42

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Four POV

Tris just sang her songs and I'm shocked. She didn't look at anyone in particular when she was singing but I have a feeling that it was about me and Brittany. Does Tris like me? No she couldn't. She rushes out before I could ask her and I run ahead. I rush out a side exit calling her name. But she doesn't listen so I run to the front door and grab her arm.

She turns to look at me with wide eyes and I see her sigh. "Four! You scared me! I thought you were Al, Drew or Peter!" she hisses. I realise that she is actually quite fragile. She seemed so strong, I didn't realise she would be so afraid. I let go of her arm and mutter,"Sorry. Look I needed to talk to you."

Tris POV

Uh oh. He wants to talk to me. Great he's figured it out. "Uh yeah what about?" He looks away embarrassed and then begins,"Um can I ask who those songs was about?" I look at the ground embarrassed. "Um no one." I look up and he gives me the 'your not fooling anyone' look. "Ok ok. Fine I'll tell you but can we start walking." He nods and we do. I tell him the story about what I dreamt about, leaving out the part where I liked him. When we get outside my house I stop and then take a deep breath. "Ok so the point is well, I kinda sorta have feelings for you. But I didn't want to say anything cause you were with Brittany and then Uriah told me the story of how you guys got together and that you had said that you would never like me. So yeah I know you don't feel the same way and I know I've just made a fool of myself." and with that I rush into my house.

Four POV

She likes me. She likes me and she thinks I don't feel the same way. But I think I do. No I don't just think I do, I definitely do. She has to know that.

I run around to her window and pick up a handful of stones. I throw them up at it and her face peeks out from the curtains. She turns away and then opens her window. "What do you want?" she asks. I just look at the ground and then ask if I can come up. She nods and I begin to climb up to her balcony. She helps to pull me up. We walk into her room and she sits down on the edge of her bed. "What did you want?" she asks again and I just sit down beside her.

"You think I don't feel the same way but I do. I do Tris, I really do. I just went out with Brittany to try to convince myself I didn't. I thought you would die, or you would wake up and hate me. I thought I needed to move on. But I can't Tris, I really can't." and I lean forward and kiss her gently. She's shocked I can tell but then she relaxes and kisses back. This feels right.

Tris POV

I can't believe it. He feels the same way. He just kissed me. I can't believe it. I've waited for a long time for this. I think now that I've waited since I first saw him, when I fell and he caught me. I really did fall for him there. And I'm still falling.

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰Hey guys! Yay Fourtris! I know. I know, you've waited for quite some time. Don't kill me. please comment what you thought, I love to hear it. If you have any ideas please tell me! If I use them then I'll give you credit!

S.O.T.C: If I go by Ella Eyre. I love this song and the video for it! If you don't know this sing you should really look it up!

Bye Guys! 😊💕

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