Chapter 69

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Tris POV

I can still see Four in the bushes. Peter and Drew haven't found him yet,so they just start to fire randomly. I hope he doesn't get hit.

Suddenly Fours head disappears and I hear random gunshots. Then, a few seconds later, it's obvious he didn't do that by accident. He's looking at me, as if to say 'Run' And I do.

I run backwards. I run into the lake, splashing water everywhere. I can hear Peter and his gang, screaming in frustration and shooting bullets at me. But I don't get hit.

I get deep enough and drop into the water. I take a deep breath before going under. Hopefully they give up, so I can come up again.

Four POV

What the hell just happened? I gave Tris the opportunity to get away but what does she do? She just runs deeper into their territory!

I'm hoping she can hold her breath. I called the police, and they've been listening to everything. Hopefully they get here fast.

If not Tris is going to die.....

Peters POV

That brat! How dare she? All we want to do is shoot her, but she won't stay still! Now she's underneath the water, and we can't do anything.

Unless, unless we just wait here. She has to come up sometime, for air I mean. Yea just wait here and then shoot her.

This is a perfect plan! Soon the world will be rid of Tris Prior.

Time Skip

After 10 minutes, at least of waiting, we all start to get impatient. "How the hell is she still breathing?" Molly hisses. I roll my eyes.

"She's taking to long." and with that Brittany starts to fire at the water. I can be sure at least one of those bullets have hit her.

Then, out if nowhere we all hear sirens squealing. Uh oh. This is bad. This is really bad!

We all try to run but are ambushed by police. They start screaming at us to drop the weapons. We do as they say, no point in getting into more trouble. They immediately surge forward when we let go of the guns.

Christina POV

What the heck?! I look up and see loads if police cars swarming around the school. Is there a raid? Or a drug problem?

I run inside and grab the group, even Marlene. I honestly don't know why.

We run outside and start to talk to someone. They won't tell us anything so we have to decide. Should we follow them or should we stay?

We decide to stay and wait for what's happening to come to us. Hopefully Four and Tris aren't involved, we haven't seen them in ages.

Tris POV

I can't take this anymore! My lungs are burning, my vision blurring. I'm about to black out when a burst of pain jolts me back to consciousness. I look down to my stomach and see a small hole. Blood is pouring out of it. Wait, when did that happen?

It doesn't matter. Nothing matters.... I feel myself drifting away....

Four POV

The paramedics dredge the lake for Tris. They're sure she's passed out, or even suffocated. But I don't think she has. She hasn't, I know it.

I come out from my hiding place and give my statement. The police thank me and drag Peter and his gang away. They won't be bothering us for a while.

But that moment of triumph is short lived when the shouting begins again. I see a small figure on a gurney. They look slightly green from the lake water and have a small bullet puncture. Oh god.

It's Tris.


Dundundun! Is Tris going to survive? Is she going to live? I know but you don't! The next chapter will be the last but there will be a sequel!

Please tell me what you thought! And please tell me what you think will happen next! Maybe the one who gets closest to the right answer will win a shoutout. Maybe I don't really know!

S.O.T.C: Glorious by Foxes! I love Foxes music! It's awesome and I love this song so much!

Bye Guys! 😊💕

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