A Note

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Hey guys! So thanks to everyone who has sent in their ideas! I will definitely be using them all, they are all so good! If you have sent me any ideas in messages or in the comments then please tell me about your character.

Personality :
Backstory (if they have one):
Relationship with the characters:
And any other information you want to tell me!

If any of you have more ideas then pleas tell me! Id love to hear them! I'm just waiting on a cover being made and a few people to sort out their characters and then the first chapter should be up.

Oh and I'm starting another story! It'll be an original story this time, not a fanfic! I hope you all like it but all I can tell you right now is it's called Chasing the Shadows. Just look out for it!

Thanks again for being so patient! It means so much!

Bye guys! 😊💕

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