Chapter 53

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Christina POV

Tris has been acting weird since lunch. She won't talk to anyone, she just has stared into space. Halfway through Maths I get so fed up I just turn to her and hiss,"What's your problem?" She faces me startled. "What?" she whispers. I just look at her and she sighs. "Ok but don't scream or hate me or anything. Well did you know the Al liked me?" she asks. I look away before nodding sheepishly. She stares at me and I sigh,"Tris, you do realise that everybody knew he liked you. Everybody but you." Now she turns away, embarrassed.

"Well he told me today at lunch, but I rejected him. He said that he liked me from the start, but he saw that I liked Four, which he couldn't believe, he gave up. Stopped trying." she explains. I nod, that sounds believable. I just can't believe she didn't know. "So what are you going to do? About Al I mean. Your single, he's single and Fours out of the picture. He is out of the picture, right?" I ask. She nods but doesn't look me in the eye.

"I don't know. I'm just going to ignore it. I mean I don't feel the same way, so I'll just leave it alone. He's just going to have to move on. And yeah Fours out of the picture. I bet he's moved on already." I'm confused. What does she mean by that? "What do you mean, he's already moved on?" I ask her and she stares at me like I'm dumb.

"Come on! He's Four, the legendary Four. Do you not remember what it was like before we stared going out? Basically a different girl every week. He's probably gone back to his old ways. I bet I didn't really mean anything." she answers in a small voice.

I shove her shoulder and gasp. "Tris! Don't ever say that! You obviously mean something to him! I mean you changed him! You said it yourself, a different girl each week. And how long had you been going out? Oh yeah, at least a month! You brought him out of his shell, you made him merge groups with us! And he's still here! You obviously mean something!" I practically shout.

"Ok fine than. Maybe I did. But then why did we break up? If I meant so much. Why did he kiss Brittany right in front if me? Why didn't he let me explain?" she asks and I roll my eyes. "Obviously because he cares about you so much, that he got incredibly jealous, that he did something stupid. Duh!" I shout this time and everyone stares at us.

I glare at them and they all turn around. Four stares a little longer but then sighs, shakes his head and turns back. I smirk at Tris when I point this out. She turns away, blushing like mad. The bell rings and we rush to music. "Ok ok. Maybe we did have something special. But that's over. And I want to be by myself for a while. Focus on my music and my studies. And Al, well he has to move on. But if he tried anything, well he's dead. And Four. I just don't know. I really just don't know." Tris says and I shake my head.

Yes I want them back together but the way Tris is playing it, it won't happen until the end of school. And it's obvious Four wants her back. And Al has proven he has anger issues. I mean he put her in a fricking coma! And Four was at her beside the whole time. "Ok ok. All I'm saying us your playing a dangerous game." She turns around and looks me dead in the eye,"I know what I'm doing.", before bursting through the music room door.

Tris POV

I don't see why Christina is being so protective. I know what I'm doing. Al is of no interest to me and Four. Well I do want something more with him, but he doesn't. So I'm just going to have to move on. Forget about him. Forget everything about him. Even if it'll practically kill me.

As soon as Tori says we have to sing today I rush up and sign my name in the last slot. Great, I'm going last today. Exactly like I like it.

Time flies past quickly. Lauren sings her 'special' rendition of 'You belong with me' by Taylor Swift. Everyone knew it was about me, her and Four but I ignored it. I sat with my head down. Christina, Shauna and Marlene sang 'I love it' by Icona Pop. It was actually really good. Lynn said she wasn't singing but Tori said she had to so she stomped onstage and performed 'Anklebiters' by Paramore.

I smiled at that. I love Paramore so much and so does Lynn. It's basically the only band she likes. She's actually a really good singer, surprisingly. The guys all went up in a group and sang 'Maps' by Maroon 5. I really love that song. Four looked at me for most of the song but I wouldn't look up. It would be too painful.

Soon enough it's my turn. I stand up and sit at the piano. I begin to play and sing my song called 'The Lonely' Everyone is silent when I'm playing. I put all of the emotion I've been holding back from the breakup into this song. People need to know how I've felt. When I finish everyone is still silent. Oh no, was I that bad? But then everyone, even Lauren, erupts into cheers and clapping. I blush like crazy and Tori speaks up. "Hey Tris! That was amazing! Didn't you write that? You have such a great talent! We have 10 minutes left could you sing another song?" she asks. I nod and decide on what to sing.

I begin to play the piano and sing "I'm not the only one' by Sam Smith. I just love this song! When in done everyone claps and cheers again and the bell rings. I blush so much and grab my bag before running out the door. I see Four out of the corner of my eye, but I can't deal with him, not now. I rush through the crowd and go underground into the gym. We don't really use it, only for games and concerts. Tori said I could use it to practice any time I want.

I play and play my violin until my fingered are bleeding. I hear soft clapping and whip around. I can just make out a silhouette. "Who's there?" I shout. They walk out a bit and I see someone I thought Id never see again. "Mum?"

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Ooo cliffhanger! What's her mum doing there? Why isn't she dead? All will be revealed soon! I kinda pulled a Revenge there. (Season 3. Spoiler Alert! What so David Clarke's not actually dead? I mean what?!) Please tell me what you thought! Please please please please please! I'm literally begging! Well maybe not that much. I'm not desperate lol!

S.O.T.C: Because it was used, 'Anklebiters' by Paramore. I just adore Paramore! I love all of their music! I really want to see them live!

Bye guys! 😊💕

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