Chapter 54

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Tris POV

I rush over to her, scrambling to get close. "Mum what are you doing? Your dead, I though-" She cuts me off by saying,"Tris. Oh my Tris look how you've grown. Tris you are correct, I am just a manifestation. I'm here to warn you. Some great troubles lie ahead for you. You must stay close to your friends and to Four. He will protect you. And Tris. Get out of this school now. There are people looking for you because you are my daughter. You are different. Please Tris. Run" and with that I take off.

What just happened? I burst out of the school doors and find Four. What was he doing just hanging around the front if the school? "Hey hey wait! What's wrong?" He asks me concerned. I start to cry for some unknown reason. I tell him what just happened and when I'm finished he wipes away my tears. "You probably think I'm crazy." I joke and he smiles at me. "No. I think your so incredibly brave." I smile up at him and we stay like that for a while.

Eventually we get up and leave. I've decided that I have to act like I don't feel what I do. I have to act like we're just friends. Because that's what we are. Four takes me to his place and I text my brother telling him I'm at a friends. Four gives me some tea and we just talk for a while. It's as if we're still dating. And one point he makes me laugh so hard that I almost spit tea all over him.

About an hour later he gets a text. He looks down and the smile slips from his face. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask. He doesn't say anything, he just hands me his phone. It's from Christina.

Hey. Did you hear the news? Apparently Al's ....dead. He killed himself after school. Jumped off a chasm.-C

I let the phone slide from my hand and it clatters to the ground. But I don't hear it, I don't hear anything but white noise. Four is trying to talk to me but I can't hear him. Eventually it all goes back to normal.

"It's all my fault." I whisper. He looks at me shocked before answering,"No Tris it's not. He made his choice. He wasn't happy with himself. He was alone, he kept company with people like Peter. He put you in a coma and he realised that the girl he liked would never like him. His life was ruined and he didn't know how to fix it. He was scared and fear does strange things to people like Al. Don't ever blame yourself." He tilts my chin so I have to look him in the eye and I nod.

I don't feel guilty. I never really liked Al and after what he did to me, why would I? I just wish he talked to someone before he did this. For turns on the tv and puts on How I Met Your Mother. "I just love this show! I'm so sad it's over." Four says and I nod. I don't believe it, we have so much in common. It's the episode where Barnet proposes to Robin and reveals his plans, including 'The Robin'. By the end I'm practically crying. "It's just so sweet and romantic. Even if he did lie, it's still adorable." I sigh. They're perfect for each other. Stupid final episode.

Four just looks at me. I turn around and say,"What?" He just turns around to face the tv with a laugh. I jab him in the ribs and say,"No seriously what?" He doesn't answer and I give up. I'll find out one way or another. It's getting pretty late and Four says I can stay here. I nod and text home saying I'm staying at a friends. We continue to watch tv and eventually I feel my eyelids becoming heavy. I vaguely remember settling my head in the crook of Fours neck, and him putting his arm around me before falling into the darkness.


Awe! Cuties! I do not own anything, not Divergent, not HIMYM. But seriously I absolutely adore that episode! It's definitely one if my favourites. Again stupid last episode. I don't want to spoil it incase you have not watched it. Please comment what you thought! You guys should be thanking me. It's like 3:45 in the morning but I'm updating because I cannot sleep. Some of my friends are even convinced I'm a vampire because I have dark hair, eyes that would sometimes change colour, I like dark colours, I like the dark, I barely ever sleep,I'm really pale, I have sharp teeth and I have to marks on my neck that look like puncture marks. But I'm not a vampire honest! 😂

S.O.T.C: Mermaid by Train. This is a really good song and they sort of sound like Maroon 5 in it.

Bye guys! 😄💕

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