Chapter 37

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Tris POV

I jump of the train and land on my feet. I smile at the ground at my small accomplishment. I will fit in here. I will.

Everyone starts to argue about what we should do. People think we should hide the flag well and then go in search of theirs. Others think we should wait on them and then take them out. Christina suddenly speaks up,"We should decide into two groups. Some should go in search of their flag, some should stay here and wait." A dauntless born starts to argue with her, on the grounds that she is a transfer and he isn't.

I look behind me. We need to get high up, to see where their flag is. There's a ferris wheel rising out of the ground. I back away silently hoping nobody notices. Then everyone will want to climb it.

When I'm about 3 feet off the ground I hear a voice behind me. "Your not going to jump are you?" he asks. I turn around to see Four. "No. Of course not." I reply and go back to climbing. Je starts to follow and I scoff. "You don't need to follow me." "I know that." He says and begins climbing.

We climb in silence until a run comes loose. I fall to the side a little but he catches me. I should be shaken up but I just feel exhilarated. I hear Fours breathing become faster and I turn to face him. He looks terrified. Beads of sweat form on his forehead as he tries not to look down. "Your afraid of heights." I remark. "Everyone's afraid of something." I'm shocked. I didn't think he was afraid of anything.

We get to the top of the rungs and I realise we aren't high enough. I begin to climb the bars in the middle of the wheel. Four follows but I can tell he's terrified. I don't know why he's following me. I can protect myself. I spot their flag in an old building. It's bright orange and flashing. I point it out and Four nods. He begins to climb down and I feel oddly disappointed that this is over. As soon as out feet touch the ground this will be over and never spoken of again. And I don't want that.

I'm drawn out of my thoughts by a creaking noise. "Tris? What was that?" I hear Four shout. "I-I I don't know." I reply. Suddenly the bars give way and fall. I grab onto a bar but it's not enough. "Tris!" I hear Fours voice frantic. "Help me.." I whisper. I see his face, his expression terrified. "Tris hold on. Please Tris. For me." I nod, unable to reply. But I know it's too late. My strength is draining fast, I won't be able to hold on much longer. "Tris! Tris listen to me! I-" but I didn't get to hear anything more.

My fingers slip from around the bar. I fall, only letting out a small gasp. I fall and fall. I can't hear anything properly, it's like I'm under water. I can slightly hear Fours cries. It's ironic. After this he really will be afraid of heights. I fall for what seems like eternity. Memories flash by. And I don't want to admit this but Four is in most of them. Maybe I do care more about him than I care to admit. But it's to late now. I realise I'm about to hit the ground. I take in my last breath. Can I be forgiven for all I've done to get here?

I want to be

I can

I believe it

And then I wake up....

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰Hey guys! You thought I killed her right! Bazinga! (sorry had to! Big Bang theory anyone?) Please tell me what you thought id love to hear it! also if you have any ideas id love to hear them. I may be needing new characters soon so keep an eye out.

S.O.T.C: Ignorance by Paramore. I just love Paramore! All their songs are amazing but this is one of my favourites!

Bye guys! 😊💕

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