Chapter 49

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Tris POV

I gasp. Tobias... my Tobias.... just kissed Brittany. Right in front of me. Tears start sliding down my face and he looks over at me. He glares at me. I start to walk away when he shouts after me,"Oh by the way we're breaking up." I cry harder but continue to walk away.

Then I hear pounding footsteps. Is he following me? No he's not. It's just Al. "Tris. Tris I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. It was all Brittany's idea." he looks away and I stare at him shocked. What does he mean Brittany's idea? "What do you mean Brittany's idea?" I ask. He looks away pained but then continues,"Well I actually really like you and Brittany wants Four so we made this plan where we would text each of you acting like the other person. We set this up, this whole thing. I'm sorry Tris. Please forgive me." he reaches out to comfort me but I flinch away.

"No. No. You... you set this up. I just lost my boyfriend, the one person who knows me, who actually cares about me. I hate you, first you tried to kill me then this! I hate you, this is all your fault!" I'm shouting by now and crying harder than ever. I turn around to where Tobias and Brittany are gaping at us. "You hear that? This was a setup! They set this up to break us up! So yeah I guess it worked! Oh and Four! Al kissed me and I pushed him off, not the other way round!" and with that I take off.

I can't believe that just happened.

Four POV

Oh no! How could I be so stupid? "So babe. What you want to do now?" Brittany asks. I turn around, it takes all my self control not to punch her. "Do you really think I want you? The love of my life just ran off, because of you and you still think I want you! I only went out with you because I had to. I never ever even liked you! So get the hell away from me." and with that I run off after tris.

I call after her but she doesn't stop. She turns around once but cries harder and runs faster. Eventually we get to her car and she jumps in. She tries to shut the door but I stick my foot in the way. If I know Tris she won't try to close it. "Tris. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I thought you were cheating on me and I got mad. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." I say and she looks away still crying. "Can you forgive me?" I ask hopefully. She shakes her head and I feel my heart drop. "You've broke my heart. I'm sorry. I just can't." she answers and, while I'm looking away, she shoves my foot out of the way and drives off. I sit on the curb with my head in my hands.

I can't believe that just happened.

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Hey guys! Sorry for the sad chapter! But this is important! Just trust me! Oh and don't kill me! Please comment what you thought!

S.O.T.C: White Horse by Taylor Swift. I know another Taylor Swift song, but this is such a good song! And it sort of fits this chapter!

Bye Guys! 😊💕

Divergent High: A Cinderella StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora