Chapter 29

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Tris POV

We all pile into the schools hall. Never tone is jostling about the place but I'm still shaken up. What was that conversation all about? Great another thing to add to my list of worries.

"Alright everyone listen up! Get into your factions and get into 3 lines. We will be injecting you with a tracker," Eric smirks,"That will tell us exactly where you are at all times. Don't worry it's painless." Then everyone starts to move.

From the looks Eric was giving, this isn't just a harmless tracker. It's something dangerous. People start to move and I'm suddenly moved in behind Will, in front of Christina. People start getting injected with things that look like staple guns and yellow liquid. I observe the people in front and thy look confused. Suddenly Eric's in my face. "So you guessed it. This isn't a tracker, is it? No this is memory serum and it's gonna take away all of those pretty little memories from your pretty little head. No need to worry, unless it doesn't work. Then your dead." And he stand my neck.

I know I have to play along. I know the serum won't work because I am Divergent. I'm terrified about what will happen.

As soon as everyone's been injected I watch people for signs of fear. But no ones giving anything away. "Now that's out of the way, you will know stay in your chosen factions. The faction leaders will take you to your part of Chicago. Yes everything's changed, everyone is now in a faction. It's for the best. Now go to one of your leaders, or senior members for your memory packs. They will tell you who you are and all your basic information. And for all you people who remember everything about your past life come to me or Jeanine. It's nothing to worry about,really." Eric reassures but I can already hear the gunshots.

I rush over to Four, as I don't trust anyone else. He seems to recognise me but maybe the members weren't given the serum. That explains why everyone's been acting so weird lately. As we walk outside I'm immediately struck by how different everything is. The same 6 colours, over and over again. It feels unsettling. I shake off the feeling and quickly scan down the information

Name: Beatrice 'Tris' Prior


Faction: Dauntless

Status: Transfer Initiate

What Transfer? What does that mean? But I already know the answer. I look further down the page and see the words I've been dreading.

Faction of Origin:Abnegation

I left my parents. And from what I gather, I'm never going to see them again.....

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰Oo Drama! Hey guys sorry if this is really random. Just bare with me! Anyway I kinda watched all the episodes in season 1 of the 100, and I'm officially obsessed! it's so good! But, where I'm from, we're only on episode 6 I think. So Americans have to wait until October, no fair that's far too long, but I'll probably have to wait until next year go get more episodes. Ugh I'm very annoyed lol. Oh and Finn and Clarke better end up together, they are seriously so cute! Anyway, sorry about that, had to get it out since none of my friends watch it, though I'm convincing them to. Anyway, again, please comment and vote. Bye guys! 😊💕

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