Chapter 52

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Tris POV

Soon enough we have to go back to school again. "Ugh why do we have to go to school? I mean we learn enough from tv anyway!" Christina whines. I laugh and shove her through the doors. I can't wait for music! I'm going to sing my song today! Then everyone will know how I'm really feeling.

Everyone has heard about what Brittany and Al did. Apparently they've become like social outcasts now. Everyone hates them. It's like the worst thing you could do in high school, breaking two people up. I don't get it. Why would you do that? I would never think of breaking people up just because I wanted one if them. It's stupid and petty.

The day soon passes and it's only a little awkward. Well that's kind of an understatement. Me and Tob- or should I say Four have been trying to ignore each other as best as we can. It's kind of hard when we are in mostly if not all the same classes and are basically best friends. It's impossible.

At lunch Lauren comes over to our table and starts flirting with Four. "Heyy Four. I heard your available now. Wanna have some fun?" she purrs. Four rolls his eyes and turns back around to talk to Marlene. Lauren flounces away and we all laugh. I see Four and Marlene talking and laughing together. I seem to be the only one who's noticed. I wonder if something's still going on there. All I know is I'm not covering for them this time.

They stand up and Four murmurs something in Uriah's ear. He nods and they leave together. Huh strange. I stir my food around my plate, not really interested in it. "Hey you ok? You haven't been eating." Christina asks and I nod absentmindedly. They all look at me worried but they don't say anything. They obviously don't want to upset me. Well too late. I mean I've just broken up with my boyfriend. I should be allowed to cry, scream, get my feelings out. My friends should be there for me, instead if treading on eggshells every time I'm around.

Four and Marlene rush back in grinning like the Cheshire cat. I roll my eyes and look down at my plate. It suddenly looks really sickening so I just slide the cake in front of Four, stand up and throw away the rest of my food. "Hey. You gave away your cake. No one ever gives away their cake." Zeke exclaims. "Especially not to their ex." Christina mutters. I jab her in the waist and shrug. "I'm not that hungry. I didn't want it to go to waste and any way I could see him eyeing it up like it was a supermodel or something." He grins and whispers thanks. I nod my head and turn my head to talk to Christina.

I could fell two eyes burning a hole in my head so I look behind me and see Al staring at me across the dining hall. He gets up and walks out of the dining hall. "Hey guys. Excuse me for a second." I say as I stand up. I'm eying the door curiously, moving carefully like a deer. Any sudden noise could startle me and send me bolting back to my seat.

I make it out of the hall in time to see Al turn a corner. I follow and am suddenly face to face with him. "Hey Tris. I um I need to talk to you." I nod as if to say what about? He gulps and then continues, 'Well I don't think you noticed on Friday but I actually have something important to tell you. Um Tris well, I really like you. Like like you. That's why I did what I did. I was always around so I got jealous. I mean why would you pick Four?"Im shocked. He's right I did miss that. I was just do angry. But one thing does stick in my mind. Why did I pick Four? But it's not like you just pick someone to like. It just happens.

"Oh Al. You don't pick who you like or even love. It's not the way things work. I honestly don't know what brought Four and I together. It just happened." I answer and he nods. "I guessed you'd say something like that. Well I guess I can say no more. I mean it's obvious you still have feelings for Four. I could see it from the start. Every time he walked by your eyes lit up, the way I wished they would for me. All I did was watch. I could've said something but it would be too late. You had already fallen for Four. And you still are. Goodbye Tris. And I'm really sorry for all the trouble I've caused you."

I stand there shocked as he walks away. Wow. I honestly had no idea he liked me. I barely even like him as a friend. And he thinks I'm in love with Four. Ha as if!

Well maybe a teeny bit. But that doesn't matter. Because he isn't in love with me. He's already moved on, I bet Marlene and him are already back together.

I wonder if she knows his real name, if she knows his backstory. If he did everything he did with me, with her. Was he just using me to make her jealous? It wouldn't surprise me. I mean a guy like him, with a girl like me. With girls like Marlene everywhere, practically.

Four POV

I heard it all. All of Al's speech, all of Tris' reactions. I knew he liked Tris. Everyone did, apart from Tris. She was totally oblivious, as if someone liking her was a far fetched idea.

But the gang and I have been trying to work on ways of me getting her back. I really miss her. As much as Id like to move on, I can't. she's effected me in a way, that none of the other girls have. She's different. Special. And I have to get her back.

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated! I've been busy! My school starts on September 1 but I've been helping my mum cause she's a teacher. So yeah fun! (sarcasm) Please tell me what you thought!

S.O.T.C: Before he Cheats by Carrie Underwood. This is such a badass song! It's awesome! I love Carrie Underwood's music!

Bye guys! 😊💕

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