Chapter 56

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Four POV

Tris just fainted in my arms. I can't believe this. Her parents were murdered. She could've died too. What is going on? And her mum saying she should stick close to me because I can protect her. I can protect her? How?

I lay Tris down and continue to look around the website for any information. I find something that makes me sit in shock for a few seconds.

It's an article stating how, when and where Tris' parents should be killed. But who's it's by really shakes me up. It's by Jeanine Matthews. I can't believe it. She she actually set that up? Our headmistress?

Tris stirs slightly so I turn back towards her. She suddenly opens her eyes and blinks a few times. "Hey you feeling ok?" I ask. She nods but it doesn't look believable. But it's obvious she doesn't want to talk about it so I just show her what I found. She gasps and starts to cry as she reads.

Tris POV

I can't believe it. I'm going to kill Jeanine. she set that up! She killed my parents! How could she do that? Why would she do that?

After hours of what consisted of reading and almost crying we still haven't found any indication of why that happened. Was this just some random act? Did they just want to get rid of someone so they chose my parents?

I'm getting annoyed and fed up.We shouldn't be just sitting here, we should be out there. We should find done police and show them this! I stand up and start pacing, whilst uncontrollably shaking. It's no good. I'm as good as dead.

Four stands up and just stares at me. Eventually he sighs and walks over to me. He grabs my shoulders and forces me to look at him. "Hey! Stop! Just stop! It's going to be fine!" He shouts. I flinch a little, I don't like being shouted at. "How do you know that? We haven't found anything else out, except that a murderous sicko is controlling our school." I start of whispering but by the end am screaming.

"Don't say that!" he says whilst shaking my shoulders. I look away before whispering,"Well it's true. And any way I'll be dead soon." I slide down the wall until I'm sitting. Four does the same.

I can't help but enjoy these moments but soon enough it'll be over. I bet he has a girlfriend. I bet he's moved on. As if he could read my mind he turns to me and says,"Tris don't think like that. You'll not be dead, we'll figure this one out. Together." I nod. But I don't believe him.

Death is inevitable. Some are taken away young, snatched before they have begun. I may be one if them. I wonder what would happen if I do go. Who would miss me? If anyone would that is.

I feel my thoughts be constantly dragged to the certain someone sitting next to me. Would he miss me? Would he care? Probably not, but what is he still doing here? Yes I admit, I haven't quite got over him yet but he obviously has gotten over me. It's done, gone, in the past.

We just sit like that, shoulder to shoulder. It's nice, comfortable but exhilarating. The way I always feel around him. Too bad. I sigh and turn to him, "Four you really should go. And by go I mean for good. You need to leave me while I wait for them to find me. You need to forget, forget everything, every last detail. So it doesn't hurt when I'm gone. Tell the gang as well." I look at the ground.

When I look up at him I'm shocked to see he's smiling? Why? "If you think that's going to happen, then you need help. How could we just forget you? After everything we've all been through." I shrug. I close my eyes. I feel a tear slip out and Four quickly wipes it away. These simple touches cause a frenzy of butterflies in my stomach.

We just sit and talk for ages. No one bothers us, it's like there is only the two of us in the world. There's so much I want to say, but I cant. I just can't. Every so often I catch him looking at me strangely but I shrug it off. It's nothing.

Eventually we fall asleep after talking for hours. Talking with him made me forget everything. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. I vaguely remember settling my head on his shoulder, and he whispered something that sounded like,"Im not going to let them take you. I'll do everything I can to stop them. You're safe with me, Tris." he then kissed my forehead but I was too far gone to reply.


Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update! Please comment what you thought, and any stories you think I should read. As you can tell I love reading!

Anyway I have two ideas for new Divergent fanfics.

1) Tris picks Abnegation, instead of Dauntless. She's not happy there but there is nothing she can do now. Suddenly a war breaks out and she sees her parents die in front of her. But when Four, the mysterious Dauntless saves her from death, will Tris be able to survive this new life?


2) Tris doesn't die. She just wakes up from her aptitude test. Yes it didn't happen. Or did it. Tris is now on a journey into Dauntless as she seeks to find a certain trainer in the hope that she can stop a war before it happens.

Ok so those are my two ideas. I probably will write them both but I want to know which one you like better. Please tell me which and then I'll decide from there. Would you guys read another story though? I wouldn't want to write it if no one reads it.

S.O.T.C: CrushCrushCrush by Paramore. I love this song but the video confuses me lol. As I've said before I love Paramore!

Bye guys! Please comment! 😊💕

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