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     Roy sat uncomfortably with Ash fixing a fake smile on his face. His forehead was already cover up with bead is salty sweat that was creaping all over with the thought of his ring missing and what if Ash finds about it first. Dylan having no other choice left sat on the driving seat with the same tense look on his face and drove behind Sky's car.

    Fritzo and May were having a great time enjoying the drizzling weather and fresh air outside. Both of them had been locked away im thier homes and rarely sat a foot out. But today was different, today was Ash's shopping day, the day the soon to be wedded bride wanted to go out with the whole gang and have shopping with some time out !

    Sky was driving the other car with Ethan beside him and the girls back. Both giggling talking about everything and clapping each other's high fives.

     "So what's it's gonna be first ? Mall or shops ? Sky asked taking the right turn spying at Dylan's car hurrying behind him.

    "Ash said something about the LUCKY ONE Mall. So I think we should be heading there." Rebecca said checking her phone to see if Ash had texted again with another change of plans.

  Ever since night, Ash had been planning and unplanning her shopping day. She had been making a big long list on her phone and also on Rebecca's notebook scribbling words jotting down the letters to make sure she doesn't forgets Everything. She was so hyper that Rebecca had to pinned her down on the couch to prevent her from sleep walking.

     "Lucky one ?" Ian asked raising her brows.
"I thought it  was about going to Hyperstar last night !"

     "Yeah but you know Ash .... One minute the plan is this and the other minute the plan is totally something else !" Rebecca rolled her eyes.

     "Oh God. She's been freaking out like hell !" Ian said giggling imagining her running around the house and takijg everything on her head.

   "Oh don't ask !" Ethan said glancing back.
"She was so freaked out that she took my pile of clothes in her room thinking it was Roy's !"

    "Oh God really ? Thank God she didn't mix it in her pile !" Ian laughed out again.

   "Yeah imagine,Ashy appearing in Ethan's robes and Ethan in Ash's !" Skyler boomed thumping the starring.
"Oh my this was something to imagine."

     Ethan joined in unable to hold himself from laughing enjoying the imagination with Ian and Skyler and Rebecca. Her phonne beeped. Rebecca slidded the front screen away entering her password and opening the message.

    "Anything from Ashy ?" Sky asked jerking his hand.

    "Anything from Ashy ?" Sky asked jerking his hand

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    "No it's Gabby. She was asking me if I could teach her Anatomy." Rebecca said running her fingers on the screen and then placing the phone back.

   "Wooow...would you look at that ! Peaches returning the reply on time !" Ian joked nudging her elbow.

   "Exxcccuuuseeee meee !" Rebecca slightly pushed Ian away.
"I do reply now adays of you hadn't noticed Peanut !"

FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now