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     "So what its gonna be ? You can think of something right ?" Ethan asked in a worn tone settled beside his wife and Skyler.

    "Yes I do. I'm not gonna let him win again. Not this time." Elliot thier lawyer sat in front of them, his fingers laced and his posture showing all signs of grief.

    "But what do you got in mind ?" Rebecca asked in a husky voice. "He's too clever he can do anything he wants. Look what he did to Ian."

   Elliot nodded sadly giving a look at the bedroom door and turning back again. "I know but when you called me..." He referred to Skyler. "And told me what happened the first thing that came into my mind were the cameras. It must have recorded every single detail about Jake's action.".
    "Camera ? You mean CCTV footage ? We couldn't possibly sneak into his mansion and get the recording of his house." Skyler scratched his untidy messy hair.

  Elliot shook his head. "Not of inside. But of outside. You told me, you found Ian outside and he was torturing her. Then it must had been captured in the footage. I want that so we could prove it in the court."

    Rebecca was pulled back in surprise. Surelt they were much occupied looking at Ian then what kind of tragedy that struck them she didn't notice about the footage.

     "There was a sort of fight inside the house as well." Skyler said. "He can show the footage inside this house. And how can you be so sure he haven't reached upto the CCTV camera. He always one ahead."

   Elliot gave a small dark smile that disappear quickly. "I have already sent my man to fetch it. Once I have my hands on it I will post it to you guys as well.  Jake already wiped the footage when he sent his dogs after Ian that night. I won't let him erased this one as well."

     Rebecca Ethan and Skyler nodded at him. "Just do what you can and free Ian of this burden as soon as possible." Skyler spoke quietly.

      Elliot said nothing but just gave a slight nod. Rebecca sat u

p the couch for one more last question. "When is the date of the court ?"

    "First week of next month." Elliot said glancing back at the bedroom door again.

   Rebecca gave out a sigh of relief. "Thank God. I hope Ian recovers by then." She stood up  and added. "Do you want some coffee Elliot ? It's rather cold outside."

    "Emmm.... Ok that would be nice." Elliot said softly.

   Rebecca turned to head into her kitchen

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   Rebecca turned to head into her kitchen. They were all settled in Rebecca's house. After they rescued Ian from Jake's hand, they rushed back to the hospital where Ian was taken straight into E.R. While Roy James and Ethan helped Dylan dealing with the process for release of May from the hospital, Skyler Rebecca and Ash stayed by Ian to take care of her.

  Once doctor pulled up some stitches he shot her with few sedatives and anxiolytics to keep Ian in calm sleep.Skyler was ready to take Ian back into thier apartment when something struck Rebecca that she got hold of him and requested him to take Ian into her house and not the appartment. Even she forced Dylan to come and stay with them until the funeral.

FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now