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   The door of the hospital banged opened, leading the group of 7 people rushing in pushing the gurney with the help of ward boys. Dylan and Ian had been in front holding May's cold lifeless hand. The other behind were dragging her the gurney rushing towards the E.R as fast as they could.

    "Hold on, baby. We're here ! You're gonna be ok !" Dylan called out to her.


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    "Mom. Just hold on, you hear me !" Ian cried clutching onto her hand that had started to get much more colder than it had been before.

    They arrived at the E.R the ward boys pushed Dylan and Ian away sliding the door and taking May inside.

    "You're not allowed, sir !" One of them said holding up his hands.

    "But I am with her. I am allowed in the E.R with her. " Dylan brushed the sweat from his forehead.

   Before anyone could say anything else, two nurses and came running towards the door and disappeared inside. "Listen, please you need to let me in !" Dylan jumped again to head in.

    "Only one." The nurse called and Dylan rushed in without wasting anytime.

  Ian Skyler Rebecca Ethan Ash and Roy stood motionless, in shock thier mouths dangling open having to witness the door slided back close. Rebecca shook her head and stepped upto Ian placing her hands on her shoulders.

     "I- I am ok. " Ian mumbled cocking her head to take a quick glance at her.

  Rebecca opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. The words died on her lips. She wanted so much to say. Even shot billions of questions of how it happened but nothing seemed to make out in her foggy mind.

     "How ... What did just happened ?" Ash broke the awkward silence taking a long episode of breath.

    "No idea. Everything was going so perfect. I don't understand anything." Roy spoke scratching his head. He turned to face Ian. "Did she seemed off or did she complain something about her health ?"

    Ian shook her head having a big lump form in her throat preventing her to say anything even shout and let her emotions out. She was paralyzed with shock and anxiety.

    "She looked healthy to me." Ethan shook his head slowly.

    "Not healthy. "Skyler pointed. "But yeah she was better without her tubes and then this happened."

    Rebecca let out a breath pushing back her blond hair. "Maybe she got exhausted. The fact is the fact, her lungs are not well enough to inhaled like a normal person and she had been living without her tubes and tank for a long time. Maybe she got tired or......"

     "Is she was, she definitely would had told me." Ian spoke in a shaky voice, looking at Rebecca. "Me or Dylan or anyone. We didn't even let her do anything for the wedding. Except for getting up on the stage and giving out the speech."

FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now