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  Rebecca grabbed Ethan's car keys and ran out of the house. Ethan saw her going away and he wanted to stop her , he wanted to ask her where was she going , maybe she was standing strong for everybody eles but he knew she was not feeling the best.

  She ran like a flash of lightening went past him. She desperately wanted out of the place that smelled awful to her, out of the place where she saw nothing but misery. Her one friend gone and her best friend on the verge of dying a slow and painful death, she just couldn't bare to see it.

    She couldn't stop crying on the way, she didn't know where she was going , she had no idea where she wanted to go ?. ... but she wanted a place she could find  comfort at , yet there was a place where Rebecca hoped would give her some peace , some answers , she hoped because it was all that was left for her ...

    Rebecca reached the gate of a cemetary, after driving endlessly . She was afraid to go in as she stepped out of her car. It felt like the temperature dropped to zero as she stood there .it was cold and silent. Even the leaves on the tress were making no noise. Rebecca felt she had eyes on her. Eyes from every angle but she quietly made her way in buying a bunch of flowers from a small shop at the end of the graveyard.

    The cemetary had 4 gates and Rebecca chose to step in with the front one. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. Rebecca ignored everything and moved rapidly towards where she wanted to go and within seconds she reached there.

  And there it was , Her grave was covered under heavy bunches of flowers and candles . Cards were spread out, some were old and some were new. Rebecca remembered there was a huge sea of people at her funeral and that was the reason her grave was buried in flowers. Rebecca noticed a bouquet was brand new as though someone had just left it few minutes before. It looked heavy and very expensive.

  Anyhow the bouquet wasn't the problem she came for, she swept it away and knelt on front of the headstone.

       "I hope you're at peace now May." She spoke as tears slided down quickly from her eyes.

    She reached out and let her fingers ran over the embedded name. "You left us all in despair May , and even though we somewhere in our hearts knew this day would come we are still not able to believe it "

    She looked up and then down again , she wiped the corner of her eye and shifted more close to the stone. "You wanted me to take care of her. But I can't. May I can't do it ! I just can't. I tried. I really tried , I wanted to do so much , but she won't let me , she is stuck on you , she's stuck in her past so badly , she won't let me help........"

   She ran her hands in her blond hair and tried to hold her tears together "It's not happening ,  Ian's not talking to anyone , she's not eating, she's not doing anything. She's just there , for us to just helplessly see"

    Rebecca swore through all her sobbings, she half expected May for a second to  come up to her and tell her what to do with her. She needed her to speak up so desperately, she'd do anything to bring her back even if it was for a day . Rebecca bowed her head and then looked up again, her chest and  facial muscles all aching from sobbing.

    "You need to help me.  You have to tell me what am I suppose to do ? How can I bring Ian back ....how can she go back to being my Ian....." And for a second her voice faded away. "Our Ian."


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FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now