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   "It's delicious, you gotta try it. Have some.." Ian said with her mouth full enjoying the taste of her spicy club sandwich slipping down her throat.

    "Yeah.... This one's too." Sky swallowed, taking the bite off  from Ian's hand which she had holding towards him.

    He happily sliced his Lasagnia and held out his fork for Ian to grab it.

    "Wooow. This is amazing. Much more better than Pizza Hut !" Ian said shoving the piece withing her mouth.

    Sky chuckled, looking at her happy to see her enjoying. They both took a sip from thier cold drink and began to dug again when Ian felt someone pawing her leg.

    "Oops... Sorry baby. Forgot about that." Ian whispered taking another piece of Sandwich and tossing it towards Frtizo.

   He gave a soft bark diving in for another one. Ian had him on leash, that was bound around her chair. Poor Fritzo was home alone and upset with everyone gone and May sick, he was so much attached with her that when Ian got home to change she got May on video call with Fritzo sitting on her lap. The dog was so happy he began to lick Ian's phone attempting to go in for May.

     "Here boy. Eat this " Sky offered his part of dinner.

   The couple giggled looking at the animal wagging it's tail and enjoying the meal. Sky and Ian were sitting out the restaurant on benches as they were having animal with them. They were allowed to settled outside under the deep blue black sky with clouds starting to shield them.

    "Woow, the wind is going chilly !" Ian shivered as the sudden change of the wind.

     "Yeah. I guess we should had gotten our jackets out from the car." Sky scratched his head taking another sip of his Pepsi.

    Ian nodded dipping the fries in the cole slaw and shoving them in her mouth.

     "How are you feeling ? Are you ok now... After you and May's chat last night ?" He asked lowering his voice to make sure to get her answer.

     Ian felt an invisible push all of a sudden at the change of topic, but she quickly brushed it away struggling to make herself more strong and brave to face the consequences that might occur sooner or later.

    "I am fine. Really. Dont worry about me." She said with a beam at him.

    "Are you sure ?" He asked leaning forward and placing his hand over her gently.
"You know you can always talk to me, whenever you want."

   Ian let out a breath crouch further and enclosing his hand under her not letting the smile fade off her face.

    "I know. And I will always come to you, don't you worry." She said pecking his hand effectionally.

   Sky scoffed delighted with the touch of Ian's lips over his skin, over his hand. He felt ignitiated with electric shock running inside his body. Before anyone could do something else, Fritzo leaped up and got himself over Skyler's laps.

    "Oh Frtizo !" He cried in surprise at such a jerking movement. Ian had bellowed back as well in shock with a grin erupting over her face.

  Fritzo barked softly gifting Sky a fresh lick and smelling his left over Lasagnia. Both of them laughed watching him wagging his tail and gulping down whatever he could find himself tasty.

     Soon afterwards, Sky and Ian were settled in thier car with Frtizo in Ian's laps and were driving with full speed heading towards the Lake View Park. Sky had connected his phone with radio using Bluetooth and Ian was selecting the songs from the list.

FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now