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It was bright morning day with no sign of rain or even heavy clouds anywhere. Ian woke up with Dylan caressing her head. May was fast asleep as well with Ian by her. Dylan had came to wake her up. Though Ian tried her best to ask him if she could stay but he forced her and everyone around to go back to their apartment and have some sleep and after that if they are feeling ok they should head along for their afternoon classes.

   May had gone a lot better than previous night. She was out of danger yet she was now permanently on tube and Oxygen cylinder. Her lungs had gotten weak to pull up a normal level of oxygen. She was given supplement to keep her hemoglobin level up. Rebecca had gone to ask the doctor being a student to investigate the real cause of the trouble. Thankfully  the doctor didn't give a horrible news, he just said she was so weak and fragile and treatments was going well. The breathing attack often happens when a person gets to much to exertion and not enough air to keep the flow on.

   The only dangerous point was of losing blood level, she was being closely monitored for that , if she keep on a good track then May might be discharged within few days.

   Ian had been stealing eyes from Rebecca ever since she had spoken roughly with her. She felt a intense amount of guilt that was pressing her chest and knotting her stomach. Inside, Ian was feeling ashamed of herself for treating her roughly when all Rebecca wanted to do was make sure she doesn't get more hurt. Since she woke up next to May she had been planning on to fix things right between themselves.

     Ethan Rebecca were asleep in their house while Ian and Sky were back in 1C. Dylan was with May. He had taken a day off from his office. They hadn't told Roy and Ash even, Rebecca had prepared herself to explained them whenever Ash would call.

    It was half pass 1 in the afternoon when everyone made their way to their college. Ethan kissed Rebecca goodbye before heading towards his academy. Ian was still ashamed that was avoiding Rebecca until she come up with a good plan to win her back.  Sky and Rebecca headed for their own leaving Ian wandering around.

   She made her way to the tuckshop and bought a couple of Bounty and Dairy Milk Chocolate and thrusting them in her pockets. Preparing a good apologizing speech, Ian stood in the corridor waiting for Rebecca's class to get over so she could talk.  She didn't had to wait much longer when mob of students began to pass through her. Rebecca popped out with Kane at her heels and Shuana hitting him with her book.

     “Hey, “ Ian said coming forward gaining Rebecca's attention.
“Can I talk to you for a sec ?”

  “Of course.” Rebecca said, relief to see that Ian was trying to opening up.

  Ian took her hand and led her outside the corridor asking her to sit down on a bench. Ian quietly sat down nervously beside her clutching her hands beginning to sweat. Rebecca was reading her mind, she smiled to herself knowing why Ian had brought her out here. She wanted to dive in and tell her that last night was no big deal but she let Ian speak, so she might be able to take her feelings out in front of her.

    “Listen… I want to apologise for what I did last night. I am so sorry.” Ian began looking down avoiding eye contact with her.

“I wasn't in my senses, I didn't realize what you were saying is true and I should be prepared for everything that's going to happen.”

   Ian heard Rebecca inhaled deeply giving her a chance to look. She was expecting to find a quite face but Rebecca had a soft smile over her face, twinkling under the sun rays filtering through the tree branches.

    “Please don't take to heart. I admit shouldn't had yelled on you and sent you away. You were just trying to help me out.” Ian pleaded making an innocent face.

FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now