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 .  Ian head out of her class waving bye to Ash. Ash took a half day, planning to go at May's and give her some company. Dylan and Roy were much more busy, so Ian took Ash outside where she could hail herself a cab and head towards May's house. Ian raced back towards Sky's classroom. Luckily his class has just gone off. Ian stood in the corner waiting for him to appear while greeting some of his friends.

    "Hey, " he waved approaching her carrying his bag and books.

   "Hi." Ian said reaching forward to take his stuff. Then reaching out to share a quick yet loving kiss. "Are you free now ?"

   "Right on time." He said brushing his fingers on her cheek. "Where's Ash ?" He looked around them.

   "I got her a cab. She's on her way to May's appartment. We're all alone now." Ian said, walking towards the main ground with him.

    Skyler nodded. "Good. And what did you tell her about staying back ?"

   Ian shrugged. "Nothing. Just said, you asked me to wait for you after class."

  Skyler smacked the back of her head with a small smirk. Even he was to shaken to produce his signature smirk because of May.  "Classy. Like the way you crowned your lie."

   "It wasn't a total lie. " Ian rubbed her head. "You did asked me to wait for you after class."

   "Only for us, to roam around the city and contact every possible oncologist, we can for a second third opinion." He reached for his car unlocking it and Ian settled right next to him.

    "Yeah, I have got every little detail about where to find them. Just that I couldn't manage to get an appointment with Doctor Simpson here. He's out of town." Ian rubbed her chin opening her diary and going through all the pages.

  Skyler rose the car to life turning it out of the parking lot. "Don't worry, I am sure it will be night, by the time we will reach upto him. Where do we start ?"

   Ian looked up, putting up the GPS system to guide there way. "We better head to Dr. Melissa right now. She's the closest. Let's start from there. And......" She went through her backpack drawing out her small pouch revealing some money in it. "How much do you got ?"

    Skyler gave a grin. A silly grin that Ian found cute. She couldn't help but pinch his cheek. If they weren't driving she would had jumped into his arms and kissed his adorable face.
     "I guess, enough for us to go through our today's appointment plan." He said chuckling at Ian's action.

   "Yeah, if we skip both lunch and snacks. I just got a small water bottle and a couple of sandwiches which Mom made us before leaving for school." Ian said pointing at the lunch box at the back seat. "That's all we have."

    "Well, guess we have to manage our tummys if we wanna give one last shot to save May." He said taking the left turn.

" He said taking the left turn

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FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now