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    9 o clock sharp, the pleasunt morning, found Ian Ash and May standing right outside the room of the soon to be wedded bride. The sun had came up shining brightly, making a clear cool weather.

      May hurried over inside followed by Ian and Ash both of them carrying large sets of colourfully and beautifully decorated parcels duelling in thier arms.  Ash was having the hardest time, as she tried to balance those parcel and struggling to keep her delicate but beautifully dress she had got for the wedding !

  The wedding ! Today was the day. Finally the sun rose up for the most awaited day. The day everyone had been waiting for, the day when someone's most favorite couple was going to tie the knots together, knots of life, knots of love. The day when two souls were gonna blend into one, the day when God will shower His blessings from above watching as the couple will announced thier vows and give the other the Kiss of Life !

    Rebecca and Ethan, finally after so much of delaying were going to have thier moment. That day had eventually arrived.

  May dashed in dropping a brown bag on the couch and rushing straight towards another room. Ash came trotting behind dumping the whole luggage on the sofa and mopped her forehead.

    "God, I am so drained already. They were really quite heavy." She said panting softly.

  Ian chuckled picking them up and placing them aside. She drew out her phone and dialled a few numbers.

      "Where are you ?" She asked ceasing her brows.

    "Right outside. Do you mind opening the door ?" Came Sky's booming voice.

   "Yeah. Will do."  Ian replied hanging up and scooping up the parcels again. Ash didn't bother to give help, she had gone through expensive manicures and she was not in a mood to spoil any single nail of her.

  Ian opener the door with lot pf difficulties and found Skyler, clad in his bright white shirt and velvet pants. He grinned smirking at her. "You're not ready ?"

   "I will be within minutes." Ian said with a smile. Skyler humphed placing the parcels in his car. With the last one still in his hand he crouch low and pecked Ian's cheek. "I will be waiting....."

     Ian giggled closing the door and quickly rushing inside where she saw May heading in.

    "Hey guys, are you done ?" She called stepping inside and stood startled for a second.

    May had her back on her, Ash was in front the mirror combing her hair and the bride was sitting on a stool with May hovering over fixing her blond hair.

    "My God, Peaches. You look fabulous !" Ian complimented walking forward till she was able to get a full glance at the blossoming bride.

  Rebecca blushed trying her best to keep her excitement within her but she just couldn't. She couldn't suppress the feelings and emotions all erupting out at the same time. 

  May clapped her lightly on her shoulder. "There you're done. Now get up and show me how you look."

    Rebecca gulped feeling her mouth going dry already when she was a couple of hours away from walking down the isle. Silently she got up, but her toothy grin spread out the moment there had been gasps of compliments sliding towards her.

    "Oh my my !" May exclaimed pressing her palm on her cheeks.

     "Amazing !" Ash said grinning broadly at her.

    "You lool fantastic. So beautiful !" Ian said cheerfully her grin spreadin from ear to ear.

  Rebecca went pink again dropping her gaze and taking a good look at herself. She was clad in a beautiful gleaming set of bright white colour lacing down to her feet. The embroidery spread across the robes ending far way in a line down below. She had a little work on her shoulder making the dress go soft and delicate. Her pink white arms emerging out ready to take hold of the bouquet of flowers which she was going to walk down with.

FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now