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  The sun was about to set, making a perfect dim of  sun rays beginning to play hide and seek behind the clouds. The wind had started to become cold. The weather was surprisingly quite pleasunt maybe because of the blessings of the wedding. the newly wedded couple were still receiving blessings from the elder and congratz from thier friends.

    At the back of the of the hall, there sat the group with Tia and Braddin huddling close with the rest of them. Rebecca and Dylan were in front becoming ready for further duties they had got being the maid of honor and bestman.

     "So what do I do now ?" Ethan asked in a low whispered from Ian and May.

    "Wait for the perfect timmings !" Ian said shrugging her shoulders.

    "No you dump head... I meant to say, should I do what I have planned to do or not !" He asked becoming impatient.

     May shierked back in horror clapping her boyh hands on her mouth.

    "Are you out of your freaking mind ? You planned all this, there's no point for you to back out." She said arching her brows.

    Ethan rubbed his face in anxiety. Ian drew out few tissue papers from her purse and dabbed his sweaty face. He was so restless that he didn't notice what Ian just did.

    "Are you ok ? What's got into you ?" Ian asked in a low voice.

     "Ooooohhhhh.... Can't you guys understand ?" He asked drumming his fingers on the table.

     "What ?" May and Ian asked in chorus glaring at him.

    "Its.... Him !" He said jerking his head at his left side.

  May and Ian both turned to where he had pointed. Not long after the search thier eyes finallly found to whom Ethan was referring. James was standing in front of others talking to Paige and  Harry with Frtizo lurking in his arms. Beside him stood another girl dressed in all black very close to James.

     "Are you serious ? !" Ian asked laughing out gaining few attention.

    "Stop laughing ! I am freaking my ass out and you're showing me your 32 teeth !" Ethan snapped rolling his eyes at her.

    "Sorry....but it's you... I didn't know you were this much childish !" Ian kept on laughing clutching her stomach

    "Shut up !" He said facing towards May and making a babyish helpless face.

    "Ok... I get it... But trust me.. you shouldn't be freaking out like this." May said slapping Ian  softly to quite her down.
"James is just here for the wedding, not for stealing your girlfriend back."

    "What makes you so positive ? They are the old flames !!!" Ethan hissed pointing at Rebecca who came along with her arms around Dylan getting ready for thier speech and toast.

    "Chill relax !" May said patting his hand.
"James not here alone. He has his own girlfriend." May sakdy suddenly.

    "What ?" Both Ian and Ethan asked in surprise looking at her.

    "Yeah...you see that girl standing next to him ? That's Devina. He brought her with him. So now pull yourself together and get ready for what you have been planning !" May said before getting up to face Dylan who came towards her grinning at her.

    "Hey baby." He said leaning down to kiss her.
"How are you doing ?

     "I am fine. Don't you worry about it." She said raising her hand up for him to clasp it.

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