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  Having to gulp down her pizza that Ian and Skyler bought her, Rebecca quickly made her way towards the conference room. As soon as she reached, a soft gasp escaped her mouth in surprise to find each and every single doctor settled around the long rectangular table. She spotted Dr. Teresa sitting at the second in command seat and Dr. Maureen few seats away.

   A couple of young interns were also settled in the corner and Rebecca also at her place. Quitely, she crept towards her seat and settled down taking her notes out. While the head of the department arrived, a huge file was brought on and placed on the table. The doctor took the file and began to read. Rebecca kept staring at his face which was turning to cease. He seemed to be concentrating hard. Rebecca spied at his name tag. He was called Dr. Rupert Carville. Finally after a few minutes he lifted his face.

    "Who's handling this case ?" He asked settling his glasses.

    "I am, sir. Along with Dr. Maureen and Dr. Tyler here." Teresa said gesturing towards the old lady doctor and a man of mid thirties to her front.

  Rupert scratched his chin. "And, what are your reviews about the patient ?"

    Dr. Teresa exchange a nervous glance. "The thing is, patient had been responding to the treatment ever since this trial started. We were pretty satisfied with our work until the last patient was reported to the E.R."

     Rupert leaned over the table to produce more concern. "What happened  ?"

    Teresa shifted another file towards him. "I sort of ran the patient on every possible tests I could get and here are the shocking results."

    The senior doctor grabbed the file and began to scanned it. For a second, Rebecca swore she had seen colour fade from his face like he had gone into a silent shock.

    "How is this possible ? It's been years since this patient had been under our treatment, right ?"

    Teresa said nothing but shrugged her shoulders. "This is why I have called the board. I am hitting dead ends everywhere."

     "Last time the patient had such a positive response." Said another doctor beside Rupert who was clearly the same shocked as Rupert was. "How can a patient fell into such decline when the treatment has been going in  the right way ?"

    "Have you ask the family about the patient ? Have they been taking care as well ?" Maureen asked leaning to glance at Dr. Teresa.

  Teresa nodded dabbing her face with her hanky. Even in the cool atmosphere in the conference room, she had produced few drops of sweat on her forehead.

     "I did. And they seemed to think nothing went wrong. The patient had been in good care, skipping medication hasn't been a problem . Which is why , I can't understand what has happened."

    Tyler pointed out at her ceasing his brows. "Skipping one or two at the time doesn't count." He pointed at the reports. "For me this is a total disaster. I mean, for second, we had hopes and the very next thing, we know , we're loosing it."

    "What did you tell the patient ? Does she have family with her ?" Maureen asked giving out a sigh.

    Teresa shifted uncomfortably in her place. "I did tell her. Her boyfriend was with her and I thought it was best to inform them. I thought I shouldn't waste any more time ."

  Something caught up Rebecca's attention when she heard  a word BOYFRIEND and Teresa referring the patient as HER means and she also knew that there were very few female patients , that were in the trial . She suddenly became nervous and curious to find out more about it but she couldn't interfere between the conference where senior and most experienced doctors were talking.

FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now