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      The door creaked open and Ian stepped in having finish cleaning the mess around the kitchen with Dylan's help. While he scrub the kitchen sap, Ian washed all the dishes and placed them in the cupboard. May had been feeling tired after the morning walk and cooking dinner, Ian and Dylan let her rest on the couch.

    Rebecca and Ethan were still out, Roy and Ash had gone shopping for thier new house. They were soon going to be moved there.  Ian had been noticing Sky's awkward reaction ever since they came back from school and he ignored her sitting opposite to her while having dinner. She was confused to what had occured to him all of a sudden.

    Poor Ian was never good enough in reading minds and judging people by thier looks. And whenever she tried to do, she always screwed up. Same was here that, Ian was completely unaware that Skyler had seen her talking lightly with Harry.  Ian had no problem with him, she was free as a friend and classmate but Sky was always jealous and Ian was taking things so freely that she wasn't realizing what was going on in Sky's mind.

       After dinner Dylan Ian May and Sky sat down to watch some TV then girls went into the bedroom talking about thier day while the boys spend some time alone. When Ian came out to clean the kitchen and head up for bed, Sky was nowhere to be seen. She was expecting he might appear in the kitchen and do his funny habits but no it was different today.

  Dylan came in holding Ian's  vibrating cell phone telling her that Harry was calling. Winding up all her work, she began to talk to him explaining him about his project.

Sky was in his bedroom, lying down

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Sky was in his bedroom, lying down. A part of him was waiting for her to show up and a part of him still burning with jealousy with Harry. At onetime, he was trying to let go, and take things easily that Harry was just Ian's classmate but the jealousy of being Ian's boyfriend was diverting his mind towards the devil.

   He sat up jerking his head rubbing his face. He whispered angry words cursing himself pulling himself out of the war. He thought he should talk with her politely and explain to her about his feelings. He was sure Ian will understand. He opened the door and tried to clear up his mind coming forward to take Ian in his arms and kiss her.

    Meanwhile, Ian was still busy rolling the pencil in her fingers and scribbling words babbling words out to help him and all of the sudden, Sky appeared behind her. He felt confused, thinking she might be talking to Witchy or Ashie or Roy or Ethan...but his stomach gave out a big summersault when he heard Ian adressing Harry by his name speaking out loud. Sky was frozen on spot, standing there startled. Ian was having her back on him and was busy in talking with Harry. 

  Sky glanced at the wall clock, it was half pass midnight and she was talking with him rather then coming in her bedroom and spending time with Sky ! He clenched his fist turning on his heels and walking away  WITHOUT clearing up that Ian was just helping her with his work and NOT having any romantic heartly conversation !!

FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now