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    The bride and the groom had stepped down from the stage receiving blessings and congrats with everyone. The families had been so proud of them, the mothers could barely keep thier tears behind thier eyeballs. The photoshoot had started, everyone giving out thier best poses and sticking close with the newly wedded couple.

    "They look cute !" Dylan approached May with a smile.

     "Huh ? Oh yeah. They're wonderful." May snapped out of her daze quickly fixing a smile. Dylan ceased his eyebrows seemed to have noticed  something was going in her mind.

 Dylan ceased his eyebrows seemed to have noticed  something was going in her mind

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   "Are you ok ?" He asked pressing his lips together.

   "No. I am fine. Just...." May showed him the parchment she was holding. "Waiting for the maid of honor speech."

    Dylan let his brows flew up in air. "You're nervous ?  Really ?"

   May shook her head unable to make words that were rushing in her mind. She looked back at him and instantly her eyes fell on his pocket. The place where he had kept the box with the ring in it. A cold shiver ran down her spine.

    "Babe, are you even listening ?" Dylan placed his hand on her shoulder. "You're not looking good. Are you tired ? Can I get you something ?"

   "Dyl !" She spoke suddenly without realizing. Dylan was pulled back getting more worried. May put on a smile again and patted his cheek. "Baby, I am fine. Listen I better get Skyler and see what he's got for the speech."

  With that May hurried up gathering the fall of her gown and jogged away. She could feel Dylan's eyes behind her but she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye. Those innocent pair of blue eyes wanting nothing but her always in front of him. May knew he was looking for a chance to convey to her, talk to her about thier future but she knew she herself wasn't ready.

   She wanted to have a future with him, have kids and a home, with Fritzo nuzzling beside her. But ever since she found out about her disease her cute dream world had been shattered with one mere thought, she was here today but might not be tomorrow. Then what will come up of him ? What will come up for Dylan, getting her in his arms and then all of a sudden loosing her at once.

  May kept walking until she bumped into the bride. "Oh ! Beccy. I am sorry are you ok ?" She asked

   Rebecca pushed her blond hair back. "I am fine. Where were you going ?"

   "I ? Ummm.... nothing just finding Skyler and asking him about the speech." May said in a rush.

  Rebecca felt something odd but decided to let it go. The whole day was odd, she still couldn't believe it was her wedding after all. She scoffed pointing at the corner.

    "Oh he's always planning to have a prank on my husband." She said enjoying every moment of it.

  "Husband !" May sneered at her making her go red. May felt the proud and comfort Rebecca had on her voice, referring Ethan as her husband. Not friend, or best friend or boyfriend but HUSBAND. She gave out a small laugh but the feeling dropped her heart into a pit once more.

FOREVER WITH LOVE _3: The Final Chapter Where stories live. Discover now