A Night Over (Pt. 2)

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"So {Y/N}," May starts once we all sit down. "Do you have a boyfriend back home?" I look directly at Jami before we both burst out in a fit of laughter. 

Once we calm down a bit, I answer her question. "Me? A boyfriend? That's impossible!"

"Why is that dear?" May frowns. I give her a small smile.

"Because I'm me," I answer. "That's all I'll ever be." [Heehee that rhymed lololol]

"What's so bad about you?" she asks. 

"The real question is what isn't?" I correct. "I'm not pretty, or smart, or funny. I've broken the fourth wall here more times than I can count. I make references no one but Jami understands. I'm clumsy. I break things a lot. My smart-mouth puts people I love in bad situations. And I can't do anything right. So that's me. And I'll never be more than that." [Jkjk all you babies are FABULOUS]


"Do you really think that low of yourself?" Peter asks, avoiding eye contact.

"The truth hurts, Peter. It's just that this particular truth doesn't hurt me," I reply. 

May obviously senses that I want the topic to change, so she looks at Jami. "How about you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Nah," Jami answers. "I'm a match-maker. And my standards are too high for anyone to reach."

"What are your standards?" May asks, taking a bite of a slightly burnt pork chop.

"Perfect for me," Jami replies. "Not like Jesus. But more like, flawed. Human. But not too sensitive, you know?" May nods knowingly and starts talking about her love life.

Throughout the entire dinner, Peter hardly says a word. I begin to worry, thoughts swirling through my head about something being wrong. Or that I did something to make him upset. Or maybe--

"{Y/N}!" Jami yells, snapping me out of my haze. 

"Wha, yeah?" I ask, blinking a few times.

"She asked you what your standards in a guy were," Jami says. I take a deep breath, trying to find a way to put it in words.

"Well," I start. "He has to be human. I don't want to end up with someone like Quill's dad. Or Rocket. That would be weird. Plus, the children would look really strange." I see the look on May's face and stop with that part. "Nevermind that. Um, not clingy, but there enough of the time that I know he cares. Tough, but not like a jock. More like someone that knows how to take care of themselves. How to defend themselves. He doesn't need to be a genius, but he should at least have C's as an average. A bit of a flirt, but only with me. I want him to only have eyes for me, but I don't want him to be nervous to talk to other girls. If I scare him away from making new friends, what kind of girlfriend would I be? He needs to be dorky, definitely. A little bit funny, but can be serious when the time calls. Oh! The most important part! His eyes. If every other part of him looks like he jumped into a pool of acid, his eyes need to be the best part. You can tell a lot from someone's eyes, you know..."

"Wow..." May whispers. "It sounds like Peter meets a lot of your standards." I let out a small laugh at her not-so-subtle comment.

"Yeah," I giggle. "I guess he does."

"So, what do you think of his eyes?" she asks.

"If I got to choose the last thing I saw before I died," I reply. "It would be his eyes. They're ridiculous."

"Good ridiculous or bad?" she presses.

"Definitely good," I answer. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Peter smile. Maybe there could be something there. 

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