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Eight days until my birthday...


I am definitely going to die. Jumping out of a plane is how I will die. Most definitely. I will not be able to save my boyfriend. Why? Because I will be fucking dead.

I will be a little spot on the ground that stains the green grass below. Maybe some trees too. There'll be little splinters in my mangled body and my ghosty will be like, "That was a stupid idea."

"Are you ready?" the instructor person asks us. Jami nods vigorously while I gulp and shake my head. "Alright! On the count of three!"




"I'm not--"


Jami grabs my arm, pulling me backward out of the plane. She's laughing and looking around, taking in the, and I quote, "breathtaking view." But I don't notice the view because my eyes are squeezed shut. I'm hyperventilating and my heart is about to jump out of my chest.

"Woohoo!!!" I hear Jami shout. "{Y/N}! This is amazing! Open your eyes!"

Against my better judgment, I do as she says. In the distance, I can see the other side of the island. The sun is just now rising over the horizon, blinding me as I free fall toward the ground.

Oh shit, the ground.

And that, my good friend, is when I discover my fear of heights.

I look down and see the lush green hills coming quickly.

"Five-thousand feet," my rental watch says. I reach back and pull the string for the parachute. The sheet shoots out of my bag and I feel a drastic slow as I float down. I look over and see Jami a little bit below me with her parachute slowly carrying her down.

"Is it still as terrifying as you thought?" Peter asks.

"Only if I'm free falling to my death," I answer. "But this isn't so bad."

"Yeah..." he murmurs.

"Why won't you remember?" I ask.

"Well," he trails. "I'msortofnotyourPeterbecauseI'mfromthefutureafterThanosisdefeatedandShurimademethisthingsoIcouldcomfortyouwhileyouthoughtIwasdead."


"I'm Peter from after Thanos is defeated," he repeats slowly. "Shuri made me something that allows me to talk to you, even if we're in different universes. Oh, and future you says hi."

"The fuck?" I say, my jaw dropped. "Oh, and tell her I said hi back."

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

"So... My Peter won't remember these... conversations," I start. "Because we technically haven't had them yet?"

"Yeah," he agrees. "Well-- time-- Sorry-- I--"

"Bye..." I mumble.

"You good {Y/N}?" Jami asks.

"U-Um, yeah," I shake my head. "I think so."

We land on the ground and Jami keeps talking about how we should do that again, but I can't concentrate on anything but Peter.

How the hell does Peter know Shuri? And why didn't Father make the gadget? 

Price of A Wish (Peter Parker/ Tom Holland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now