Upon Deaf Ears

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you know i might turn this one into a series as well

Oh and with a hearing aid partb im basing it on what i overheard at school
i had a deaf girl in a few of my classes and she had a little black box attatched to a microphone that attatched to the shirt and people talked into it
she said that the hearing aid she wore was like radiowaves, and the microphone picked it up. she srill had someone sign what the teacher spoke to her just im case. i dont know much but that so srry if i offend you kr something. shes a sweet girl, i just wish i grew enough balls to talk to her :/



Deaf. Quiet. Peace. Wrong.

It was horrible. The hearing aids hurt like crazy but I know my parents went through hell and back to get these for me, itd be stupid to ask them to get it fixed.

I was homeschooled to make things easier, but it never stopped me from going out towards the big school bulidng about a mile away. I always looked around, seeing the smiles from certain kids when theyre with their friends.

I sighed, looking at my ceiling. My home schooling is gonna start soon, as much as I didnt want to do it, I had to. I checked the time, seeing as i had about 30 minutes before my homeschool started and 10 minutes before their school started.

I lifted myself up, looking at the hearing aid before walking past it. No one payed attention to me anyways so there was no point. 

I walked down the hallway, taking my time to feel along the walls and look at the pictures. I wasnt born with it, it developed. It developed when I was 8, god was it a scary time. I lost all my friends back then, not wanting to be with the deaf kid.

Speaking was hard, seeing as I cant hear myself and it just, feels weird. So im basically deaf and mute. My parents think they understand, but they never do. Its tough, living under constant watch, constant help over something that shouldnt even be bothered with.

I looked around the living room, seeing as no one was in there. Moving into the kitchen I saw my mom swinging her hips and she made breakfast. The radio was right next to her. Music.

I smiled sadly, leaving the kitchen door frame towards the front door. It was hard leaving without them knowing, especially without my hearing aid on as well.

With slow movements, i opened the door, inching my way out as i looked behind me. As I slipped out, i let a small smile fall onto my face as I walked out across the sidewalk. Morning walks were nice, probably nicer with friends though.

My smile died out with that thought. I made my way around the corner, seeing the school in sight. I quickly made my way over there, stopping and sitting next to the gate. It was creepy, i knew that. But i missed going to public schools. I missed all the teachers, the classes, everything.

Most people wouldnt, but when you have no friends, along with overprotective parents, youd get an idea on what im feeling.

I sighed, leaning on the wall connected to the gate. I looked back only to see a pair of heterchromatic eyes staring right back at me. The maroon red and saphire blue stare burned holes into me as I took in his appearence. His hair looked like it had been dyed white, but his roots were growing in. He was well dressed for school, adourning some ripped jeans, cherry patterened flannel and a white shirt underneath.

I studied the outfit. I dont anyone else could pull it off the way he did. It looked cute on him, not gonna lie. I watched as the boy turned around to talk to someone, then pointed at me. I knew all about the rumours they had about me.

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