chapter 1!

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I've always loved when it rains. I guess that makes me a pluviophile. I'm not sure what I love most about it. It might be because of all the droplets that land on the windows surface, sometimes I like to guess which raindrop will make it to the bottom of the window first. Maybe it's the peaceful sound rain makes as it hits the roof, as if I am in a rainforest. Some people say rain causes them to feel melancholy. For me, the feeling of peace radiates. For me, when it rains, I know everything will be okay.

I'm Bradyn Lee Owens. I'm almost done with my senior year, which makes me nervous. How am I supposed to plan out my future when I can't even decide what to eat out of my pantry. I will always have a phobia of growing old, mainly because I feel as if I haven't fulfilled my purpose or lived to the fullest.

I wouldn't label my family as normal, because we aren't, at all. My parents are agents but don't worry they are very good people. Their lifestyle makes it hard for me to have the typical life of a teenager. We have had to move to numerous locations all for safety reasons so this year I am going to Central High School.

"Hey, your lives just got better because I'm here!" my best friend Emery exclaims as she bursts my front door open.

If I had to describe her with three words I would use crazy, gorgeous and outgoing. I walk over to her and roll my eyes jokingly.

"Guess what?!" she says sounding way more excited than necessary.

"What?" I asked.

"Zach asked me out!!" revealed Emery enthusiastically.

"Finally!!" I squealed, jumping up and down.

Emery and Zach have liked each other for years but they were scared to ruin their friendship so they never took their relationship to the next level.

"W-Wait you said yes right?!" I ask, my face turning into a serious expression.

"Duh! He's too hot to turn down," she said staring off into space with a ridiculous smile. I wish I could be in love.

"Have you seen my game controller?" My brother Jack asks from across the house.

"No, last time I saw it your controller was on the couch." I yell.

"You're no help," Jack yells.

"What's new about that?" said Daniel looking at me with a smirk.

Who invited him into this conversation?!

"Get out nobody wants you here," I said in a joking manner as I stuck up three fingers for him to read between the lines. Daniel has been my brothers best friend for years so by now he is used to my sarcasm.

Emery and I continued to talk about her new relationship with Zach the rest of the night. Soon enough it was eight o'clock and Emery had to go home. I was exhausted so I went right to bed around 10 o'clock.

As I woke up it took me a few minutes to process it was a school day. Once my brain started functioning I got up and starting getting dressed. I put on a plain white t-shirt, some ripped jeans and my converse. I continued my normal morning routine and drove off.

As I was driving while eating breakfast and attempting to put on some makeup ( which wasn't a good idea) I smudged the mascara all over my eyelid. I just love when that happens.

I got frustrated and failed to realize the car in front of me and almost hit them. Crap.This morning officially sucks.

I rolled into the parking lot with a minute to spare. I scrambled out of the car door, almost tripping. I grabbed my bag as quickly as I could and ran to the doors.

My first class was calculus which started in thirty seconds. There was no way I would get there on time.

The bell rang and about 20 seconds later I arrived to my calculus with my teacher there to hand me a detention slip.

When my calculus and English classes were over it was time for lunch.

I look down at my phone to see a text from Emery explaining how she got food poisoning from a burger she ate and wouldn't be at school. Great.

I usually sit with Emery but I guess I'll just have to sit with someone else.

As I was trying to text her back I run into someone and my phone falls, and lands with a thud.

"I'm so sorry!" I said.

As I looked up I saw a tall, thin, blonde boy with the bluest eyes I've ever seen.

"Don't worry about it," he said sounding like he truly didn't care I had just ran into him.

"What I am worried about is your phone, is it broken?" he asked, his expression softening.

I bent down to check. Please tell me it's not-

"Uhhhh," I mumbled out of nervous habit. "Yeah it's broken."

"Do you want me to get you a new screen protector or something?" he asked staring into my eyes.

"No, it will be fine," I said looking down, too scared to look him in the eye.

"Alright. My name is Corbyn," he said reaching out his hand. Me being my awkward self, I stared at his hand and didn't react.

"I-I should get going," I mumbled walking away before he could ask me my name.

"Wait!" I heard him say. Ignoring the cute boy, I walked away. Why was I so nervous?

I've never been late and never had to get a detention slip so I look around for an approachable person to ask. I see a girl that is tall with blonde hair that is smiling ear to ear and I decide to ask her.

"Hey I'm Brayden, do you happen to know where detention is?" I asked her.

"Yeah I'm actually going there too, I slept in a little too late," she explained with a laugh. "My name is Leah by the way!"

We continued to talk as we walked to detention. She was really nice and pretty. She seemed like such a genuine person which is rare.

I feel like my life hates me. I had just replaced my screen protector and now I need to buy I new one. Emery didn't come to school so I was stuck by myself and I had detention. Oh and I won't forget almost getting into a car accident. Overall, today was terrible.

Except for meeting Corbyn, who I didn't even give my name to.

Meeting him was like the rainbow after the storm. I guess in my life when it rains, it pours.

Hey guys!!!! This chapter might have been boring but I just needed to develop some of the characters!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading!

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