chapter 50!

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Corbyn's POV

I sat nervously in a strange room, attempting to get service so I could contact Calumn. I had one bar and I needed to talk to her. If my dad hadn't found me, I would've been with Calumn comforting her but I can't be.

I finally was able to call her but it only went to voicemail. "Hey Cal. Somethings come up, trust me it's serious or else I'd be with you right now. I hope you're doing better. Call me back." I said into the phone at the beep. I let out a long sigh.

Then my dad walked into the room.

"So how long have you been seeing visions?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Quit the act," I said in a throaty tone.

"Suddenly you've become so bold." I rolled my eyes at him. "So tell me, where's Brayden?"

"I don't know where she is Ray," I said coldly, wincing at the reminder of her. She's practically a stranger to me now. A stranger who's laugh I could recognize anywhere. I know her so well yet I don't know her at all.

"Don't lie to me, it will only make things worse. For her and for you," he said.

"I don't feel threatened," I lied with a chuckle.

"I can see right through you, son," my dad said peering at me. I looked at the floor and didn't say anything.

"Don't call me son, you haven't been a father to me," I said with hatred.

"So where is she," He asked again, walking closer to me.

"I told you, I don't know," I said, frustrated.

"I'll get it out of you one day," he said to me and grabbed my throat.

"Even if I knew, I'd never tell," I managed to say in a raspy voice as he made it harder for me to breathe. He squeezed my throat harder, making me choke as my face turned as red as a tomato.

"Here's the deal, you tell me where she is and I'll kill her or you will be forced to find her and kill her yourself," he said still choking me. With all my strength, I slapped him and he let go.

I took a deep breath, panting from the shortage of air. It took me a few seconds to come back but then I responded.

"That's going to be hard when I have no knowledge of where she is," I said. "What's your problem anyways, why are you so caught up in vengeance?"

"Ashley was always my favorite. She was my only daughter and reminded my of your mother when she was a teenager," he said, walking slowly around the room. "She didn't mind the fact that I was a bad person, she understood me and loved me for who I am," he continued.

"That's because she's Ashley, she cared about everyone," I said. I never understood why.

"She always told me you guys loved me but I know you didn't. Even your mother doesn't love me anymore, she said I was insane. She wanted to divorce so I locked her up, I tried to make her love me but she never would," he said.

"What happened to you?" I asked suddenly, almost like I cared. Just as I thought he had a soft side and was going to open up to me he turned around with a look of rage.

"Don't bring up my past," he yelled and his voice echoed throughout the room. He then grabbed me and pulled me to a room. You'll be stuck in this room with nothing until you tell me where Brayden is," he hissed.

I fell to the floor with a thump, face down. He slammed the door and locked it. I then tasted blood, my lip was bleeding.

I examined the room around me, no windows, no anything. All I had was my phone, he didn't think to take it from me. He would realize soon so I had to get help and fast.

I called Calumn again because she's all I have right now. She still didn't answer. So I texted her and sent her my location, in hopes that she would be able to find me somehow. I know she's not one to do risky things like this, but I know she has it in her. She's a tough girl.


[ Calumn's POV ]

I knew there was something suspicious happening to Corbyn from the moment he left my hospital room and I heard commotion in the hallway. But I was plugged in to machines with wires all around me, there was nothing I could do. It's been two days and I need to get out of here and save him. I may not have much more time on this earth, but he has a life to live and a girl to get, I care about him more than myself right now.

At first I was scared, scared of my fate, of what would happen to me. They said they couldn't guarantee I would live. I know they were only telling me that so I could feel better, I'm not that gullible. The cancer has been in my system for too long. It's too late.

"How are you feeling Calumn?" My mom asked me, her forehead wrinkled.

"I'm fine," I said, even though I looked like I was dying. My skin: pale, my eyes: bloodshot.

"I know you're going to get better," my dad said with a smile. I could see through the smile. He was worried about me. He knows I look terrible, he knows there is no silver lining. Life is like that for some people. No matter how hard you look for the bright side, there isn't one.

"We are trying our best with the chemo therapy," my doctor said as he walked in.

"Are things looking better?" My mom asked with hope.

"We don't know yet," he said with a look of gloom. That's the answer they give you when they have news they don't want to tell you. I know my parents could tell too because my mom looked as if all the hope she had was stripped away from her. She knew she was going to lose me to cancer.

"Thank you, Doctor," my dad said breaking the silence. He nodded his head and some nurses rushed in to take me to my next therapy session.

All I could think about was leaving and saving Corbyn. I hate all these pointless procedures, they aren't going to save me now, or ever.

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