chapter 9!

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Brayden's POV

Studying for calculus is the most boring thing ever. I'm so happy to almost be done with high school. I'm tired of it.

As I was studying I heard my phone ring. I ran over to check who it was. My face automatically formed into a smile.

It was Corbyn, he calls me every Friday afternoon. That was our agreement. I answer because it's our only time to catch up, the only time I get to talk to him.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey. What's up. How have you been?" He asked.

"Studying. Things are okay. How about you?" I asked.

"Things could be better. I ran over a loose piece of a railroad last night so now I have to use my bike," he said sounding annoyed.

"Ha. Loser. I would offer you rides but you don't want to hang out with me so that's what you get," I said in a sassy tone.

"Whatever Brayden. You know it's not that I don't want to hang out with you," he said.

"Yeah, I know Bean, I know," I said.

"Bean?!" He asked surprised.

"Bean," I said.

"Where did you hear that nickname? And you could have picked so many other nicknames. You happened to pick the one I don't like," he said laughing.

"I heard it from Leah and I know it annoys you which I why I'm using it," I said smiling.

"Wow. Well then I get a nickname for you," he said.

"Nuh uh that's not how it works mister," I said playfully.

"Yes, it is how it works," he said.

"Fine," I said giving in.

"How about Bray Bray?" He asked.

"I don't know, it's your choice," I said.

"I'm calling you Bray Bray because it's funny," he said.

"Okay bean," I said.

I looked in the mirror and saw myself smiling. I tried to make a straight face but I couldn't. For some reason the sound of his voice instantly made me happy. It might have been the way his voice cracks randomly when he's talking for a while, or how when he talks to me he tries to sound more manly with a raspier voice.

"On a serious note. Has anything weird happened recently like the night at the greenhouse?" He asked sounding concerned.

"No thankfully. Whenever I get scared I just hang out with E-" I stopped talking. I was about to say Emery but I can't because that's not true anymore, I can't hang out with her. She's missing.

"I know. It's hard. But you have all your friends there to support you," he said trying to cheer me up.

"If Emery was here she would tell you not to stress and to have hope," he said still talking to me even though I wasn't responding.

"I know we will find her," he said.

"You're right. I should stop worrying, thanks Corbyn," I said.

"No problem ma girl," he said in a joking manner.

"Alright well I gotta go. Can't wait to talk to you next Friday!" He said.

"Bye corbs!" I said.

"Byeee dork!" He said and hung up.

Don't get me wrong I loved talking to Corbyn. It was usually the highlight of my Friday's. But sometimes after we hang up, I can't help but feel worse. It just makes me miss him even more. Even though he's only held me in his arms once, I still miss the warmth of his embrace. I need to get over him though. There's no point in liking him, I will just be let down.

I walked out of my room to go ask Jack a question. As I was walking I saw a post-it note on my coffee maker. The note said don't be so talkative on Friday's.

I figured it was Jack or Zach playing some joke on me so I grabbed the note, crumpled it up and threw it away.

"Hey Jack?" I said.

"Whaattt?!" He yelled across the house.

"Come out here," I yelled back.

"I can't I'm about to win fort nite," he said.

Suddenly a smirk was plastered across my face. I like to use this little trick Corbyn taught me whenever Jack was being a pain in the butt.

He gave me this remote programmed to change the input on Jack's tv. He still doesn't know it's me who changes it but seeing him get mad is the funniest thing. I skipped to my room, grabbed the remote and clicked a button to change the input option. So instead of playing fortnite, Jack will be watching some grandma talk about her favorite cookbook recipes.

"NO WTF!" Jack screamed.


I couldn't help but giggle.

He walked out of his room and I know this because his steps were so loud you'd probably hear them all the way in Granny Smith's kitchen. All the sudden I heard another pair of footsteps and saw some fluffy, brown hair in the corner of my eye.

"Oh hey Zach!" I said.

Something was wrong. His eyes were bloodshot and it looked like he had been crying.

I looked over at Jack for an explanation and he shook his head back and forth as if to say Don't ask it will only make it worse.

Well too bad Jack, I'm nosy.

"What's wrong?" I asked Zach walking up to him.

"I just miss Emery, I'm so worried about her," he said, tears forming in his eyes again.

I walked up to him and gave him a long hug and he rested his head on my shoulder. Sometimes you don't need to say anything. Sometimes people just need a hug from someone.

I let go and checked to see if he felt better. He wasn't crying anymore so that was good.

"I feel like this is my fault," Zach said.

"No way. This was totally out of your control," I said reassuring him.

"If I would've just watched her better, if I would have just been a better boyfriend.... maybe she'd still be here with us telling a story about something insane she did back at camp," he said staring into the abyss.

"Don't say that. You're an amazing boyfriend. I wish I had a guy like you," I said.

"Me too," Jack chimed in.

"Shut up Jack this is serious," I said giving him the death stare.

"Sorry," He said trying not to laugh.

Zach started laughing so apparently Jack being an idiot helped.

I offered Zach some of my mental breakdown ice cream that I eat when I'm sad.

"Do I look like a girl on my period?" Zach asked  offended.

"No I just thought some ice cream would help.." I said.

"I'm a man... I don't need ice cream to comfort me," he said folding his arms, pouting like a two-year old.

"Think what you want Zach," I said laughing.

He walked back to Jacks room but then turned around and took the ice cream from my hands before I could place it back into the freezer.

"What the heck Zach," I said.

"I'm not eating because I need to be comforted. I just want it. So DONT say anything," he said.

I rolled my eyes. He's such a child.


I put on my Halloween onesie and settled into bed, picking up a Harry Potter book to read.

When I heard my phone ring.

Annoyed I got out of bed and picked it up. It was an unknown number but I answered it anyways.

"Hello. This is Brayden Owens," I said into the speaker.

"......." I heard static and breathing but no voice.

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