chapter 54!

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Brayden's POV

It's my last mission, so if Corbyn thinks I'm just going to give up because it deals with Ray, he's wrong. I'm going to find out as much as I can.

I get in the car and drive back to the strange abandoned house. I grab all the equipment the organization gave me, taser, gun, sound amplifier, duct tape and ropes.

I take a deep breath and begin walking towards the side door entrance. I open the door slowly and it lets out a few creaks. I try to get in as quietly as I can but this ancient building is making it difficult.

I step into the room and the floorboards are creaking, as if the floor is going to collapse from under me. I try to make my steps lighter so the splintering wood floors don't crack.

I wasn't sure if Ray would be here but I knew he was right when I heard a muffled voice echoing throughout the vacant space. His voice sounded harsh and bounced off the walls straight into my ears.

"He left," he growled.

"He won't tell me where the girl is."

"No im not giving up on this, ever."

"I swear I'm gonna kill him." Those words made me jump. I walked closer to where I heard the noise. I made sure to stay quiet and move slowly. Suddenly, I hear his footsteps in the same hallway I'm in, speeding up every second. I panicked and quickly jump into a closet with the door still cracked. He swiftly walked past me, not noticing. I let out a sigh of relief and watched what he was doing. He pulled out a large gun and began loading it with bullets. Can he tell I'm here? I swear my heart was beating so loudly, he can probably hear me panicking from this closet. He can probably see me through the crack. I held my breath, and closed my eyes.

Corbyn's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Calumn and her health condition. The fact that she didn't wake up this morning, and I can't do anything about it. I called her phone, hoping, just hoping she'd be up now. That she was just really tired. That she was healing during her long rest. The phone rang and rang until it was answered. I suddenly became very happy, in fact I was elated.

"Calumn! Calumn! You're better!" I say with a happy voice and a giggle.

"Sorry Corbyn. This is Calumns mom," when I hear those words, I can barley function.

"Oh, uh, Calumn's just busy right?!" I ask, hoping if I say something positive it will come true.

"I wish I could say that was true. She still hasn't woken up. I'm sorry," she said, her voice sounding melancholy. I can't imagine the pain she is going through.

"Do you mind if I come to visit?" I ask shyly. "I just have nothing else to do."

"Of course. We could use some company."

"Ok I'll be right over," I say and hang up. I change into something more presentable than my gray sweatpants and oversized sweatshirt and get into my car.

As I drive I keep telling myself that when I get there, Calumn is going to be awake and happy. She's going to have energy, she's going to tell me how she's glad I'm there. I'm going to thank her for being so tough and holding on.

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