chapter 51!

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Dat Gucci belt doe🤤

Brayden's POV

Being at the organization felt so nostalgic, I was happy too. I have so many good and bad memories here and it's so nice to see all the agents again. Once I informed the agency of my situation, they offered to give me one last mission before I leave. I was heading to the bosses office this afternoon for him to assign my mission. I sat down in a waiting room by his office, slightly nervous.

After about twenty minutes, the boss called me into his office.

"Brayden, its so nice to see you back at the organization!" He said, welcoming me into his office.

"It's nice to be back," I said as I sat down in front of his desk with a collection of bills and papers on it.

Suddenly, his expression changed. "I figured you'd want your last mission to be unforgettable. So, I made sure to give you the most interesting mission we have at the moment." I nodded my head in anticipation. "We are assigning you to figure out what Ray Besson is up to. You need to figure out his whereabouts, his plans and any other information you can get on him that will benefit us."

My anticipation dissipated and I was left with the feeling of anxiety. I can't be around Mr. Besson, it's not safe.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this mission," I said shaking my head. I also can't tell him why.

"Why not? Any agent would be ecstatic for this mission!" He asked, confused.

I sat there, unable to think of a good response. He can't know what's going on with me.

"Well, I guess I could take this offer," I said hesitantly.

"Wonderful. I'll give you the instructions, tools and files tonight," he said with a smile.

"Thank you," I said, waved and walked out.

I should've known something like this would happen.

I quietly walked out of the building, since I needed to call Corbyn. I should probably warn him that I'm coming to Connecticut. I called his number and listened to it ring. It went straight to voicemail. Hey you've reached Corbyn Besson. I'm either busy or ignoring depends on the person hahahha. I'm just kidding, I'll call you back as soon as I'm able. Or maybe I won't. I laughed at his long, but comical voice mail. He never fails to make me smile, even when he's thousands of miles away.

There must be a reason he's not answering me. I don't know what it is but I'll find out. I guess it'll just be a surprise when he sees me.

[ Calumn's POV ]

I tried to stay strong, to give my parents hope. I couldn't bear the looks on their faces. My hospital room radiated somber feelings, I wanted to be happy.

"Do you guys want to go get something to eat downstairs?" I asked my parents to break the silence.

"I don't know Cal. Will you be okay without us?" Dad asked.

"Of course, I'll be perfectly fine," I said, keeping an enthusiastic smile which was easily seen through from my dark circles and pale skin.

"Ok sweetie, we will be right back," my mom said and she took dad's hand and left. I smiled until they left the room, letting all my true emotions out. I know I'm getting weaker each minute, I can barley hold the water I'm supposed to drink or the pills that are supposed to make me feel better. If I could do one thing with the strength I have left, I'm going to save Corbyn.

I pull out my IV and remove any tubes I was using. I grabbed a t-shirt, shorts and shoes of my moms from her duffle bag and put it on quickly. I hold onto the bed for stability as I change. I make sure to grab my moms keys so I can escape. Once I'm finished I creep out of the room, checking my surrounding to make sure nobody sees me. As I look down the hallway I see no one there and take a chance. I walk as quickly as I can, suddenly getting a boost of energy. I'm going to find Corbyn and I'm going to save him. I kept repeating that in my head, each time it gave me more confidence and assurance. This is the right thing.

I find a hallway that is unoccupied and walk quickly towards the stairwell. Just as everything is going smoothly, a nurse stops me.

"Honey, where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm just meeting my parents," I said with a smile.

"Ok, make sure to get a pass next time," she said with a smile as I let out a deep breathe, trying to appear healthy.

"I will," I said as I quickly turned around and continued my quest.

I made it out to the parking lot and push the unlock button on the keys to get an idea of where the car is parked. I hear it from across the parking lot and start heading towards it.

Soon enough, I am driving to the location Corbyn texted me, not thinking of the consequences.

[ Brayden's POV ]

The organization gives me the money to travel and already paid for my flight so I just needed to board it.

I soon sat on the plane unsure of what events would await me. Although, I did have the slightest bit of excitement, what if I do see Corbyn? What if he forgives me? But what if he doesn't?

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