chapter 2!

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Corbyn's POV

"I don't care if you don't want to do this mission, you have no choice," my Dad said sternly.

"Fine. When do you need it completed by?" I ask.

"Tonight and that's final," my dad yelled, so loudly it made me jump.

I rolled my eyes. The only reason I'm in this organization is because my entire family is. Since I am a young agent I have to complete missions to become certified into the organization.

Tonight I have to steal some information from the governments classified files online which requires some hacking. Nothing I can't handle.

I just don't know what information I am leaking. I don't know how I feel about doing all this. It doesn't matter though. This organization is apart of me and I have no way out.

The organization is the BCA ( the Besson crime association ). My family had started the association.

I quickly got out my computer and hacked into the CIA fire wall and got past the security by trying out different password combinations. There were millions of possible codes but in a few minutes I solved the encryption.

I couldn't stop thinking about the mystery girl I had ran into at school today.

She was beautiful in a humbling way; as if she didn't realize how captivating she was. It doesn't matter though because she would never be interested in someone like me.

She seemed so distant when I just wanted to know her name. She didn't even respond to me so clearly she isn't interested. At all.

Anyway, she seemed like such a good girl. I'm not the right person for her and I never will be.
I would only put her into danger, just like every other girl who came into my life. Which is why I don't fall in love, and I don't care about people's feelings or my own feelings. That just leads to pain. If there's one thing I've learned in my life, it's that emotions don't control me.
I do what I have to do, no exceptions.

I didn't go to bed until 2am so I'm exhausted. I can barley keep my eyes open as I'm walking to grab my phone. I look at my phone and see the date, April 13th 2018.

Today is the day my mother died 12 years ago when I was 6. My beautiful mother died. I never got the chance to show her all the great things I've done. 

I never told her how much I loved her. I never got the chance to be raised by her. I wish she was with me now. I felt a single tear slowly drip out of my right eye. I watched it hit the floor and I moved on. It wasn't time to think about my mother.

I got ready for school. I don't get why we spend so much time on something we hate. As I walked into the building I was reminded again why I dislike this place so much... the people. They are all idiots. I would need a microscope to find any sign of intelligent life on this campus.

I guess you could say I'm smart but I don't get good grades in school because I'm not putting effort into something so pointless.Plus, I already have my job figured out with the BCA.

I head to my English class and as I'm walking up the stairs I catch a glimpse of the girl. Wow.
She's gorgeous. I need to get to know her.

I've never looked at a girl and felt automatically attracted to her, this had to mean something. Now, I'm not a hopeless romantic but I just feel like I'm in a cheesy rom-com or something.
I shake my head as if to snap out of it. There is no such thing as love at first sight.

I sit down in my English class next to one of my friends named Leah.

"Why do you look so depressed?" she asked me in a joking manner.

"Just tired," I answered.

"I know that's not why. Is everything okay with your dad?" she asked.

"Yes, everything is fine mom," I said giving her a smirk.

If I didn't pretend I was happy she wouldn't leave me alone about it. I honestly didn't feel like having a therapy session with Leah today. She's a great friend and I love her but I'm not in the mood.

"So, I was thinking, what if I dye my hair light pink... just for the experience?!" she said all perky.

"I mean do what makes you happy," I said.

"No, I mean it, I think I want to dye my hair," she said saying it more seriously.

"Well, being serious your hair already looks bad so it can't be worse than how you look now." I said smiling at her.

She threw her pencil at me and the lead hit me in the cheek. She immediately ran over and apologized, pleading I would forgive her. Things are always interesting with this girl.

"I am so sorry, I did not mean to stab you with the pencil I was just annoyed at you," she said giving me a hug after.

I pushed her off and pretended I was mad.

"Nope. I'm not accepting your apology," I said looking the other way.

I turn around and point to the cut.

"You made me bleed," I said.

"I'm sorry!!" she said

I was trying to hold my laugh in but I couldn't do it any longer. She was like a desperate little puppy and it was cute.

"I'm fine Leah!" I said giving her a reassuring look.

"Ok, good," she said smiling

"But you still deserve a slap for calling my hair ugly,"she said a little too loud and smacked my leg.

"Ok, I admit I deserve that," I said laughing.

"Being honest though, your hair is not ugly and you could pull off any color," I said smiling at her.

"Did you just compliment me or am I dreaming?" she asked.

"Yes, I complimented you now stop talking about it before I take it back," I said.

"Corbyn, this is the last time I will tell you to stop talking. Every time I look at you, you aren't paying attention," said my English teacher.

"Ok sorry, I'll be quiet," I said slightly annoyed.

Leah was talking too so why did I get yelled at? I swear that lady hates me.

I look over at Leah who's laughing at me and I roll my eyes. Aren't friends just great.

After class my friend Jonah walks up to me.

"So, you and Leah?" he asks.

"Me and Leah?" I ask right back at him.

"You guys seemed flirty today, does she like you or do you like her?" he asked smiling.

"Nah man it's not like that," I said.

"Okay," he said slowly.

"I've got someone else on my mind," I said smiling.

"Who?!" Jonah asks sounding really intrigued.

"I'm not telling you, at least not yet."

"B-but I'm your best friend," said Jonah making a frowny face.

I pushed him while saying "Will you just stop getting into my business... I'll tell you when it's necessary."

"I will find out who this mystery girl is," said Jonah. That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Find out who she is.

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