chapter 38!

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Corbyn's POV

Time skip

It is the day of graduation. The day I should be excited for, the day I have been anticipating my entire life. But I'm not excited. Ever since graduation had been associated with leaving Brayden, I've dreaded it.

I put on my gown as the other guys talked. I don't think they noticed I was being abnormally quiet.

"I can't believe we are finally graduating," Jonah said, his eyes aglow.

"Me either, it feels like just yesterday I was a scared freshman who got lost on the way to class," Daniel said, laughing at the memory.

"I'm not going to miss it," Zach said.

"We know," Daniel said laughing, looking at Zach.

"Corbyn, you good?" Daniel asked, giving me a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just have a headache that's all," I lied.

"Are you sure it's not something else?" Jonah asked while Zach nodded.

"I just have a headache," I said once more.

"It's because of Brayden, isn't it?" Daniel asked.

"No. I don't know. Maybe," I said with an uneasy look.

"Look man, you gotta stop worrying about it. You are going to attend an amazing college and learn about your favorite thing. In the big picture, Brayden is just a girl. If you guys really are meant to be together though, you will be," Jonah said, giving me a hug after.

"Thanks. But I won't be able to get over it that easily," I said, comforted by his speech but still sad.

I walked outside to get some fresh air and to make matters worse, I see Brayden. As soon as I noticed she was outside, I quickly turned around, I couldn't handle seeing her right now.

"Corbyn, wait!" Brayden yelled as I walked away.

"What?!" I asked, in a harsh tone.

"I just wanted to say congratulations, I'm proud of you," she said, somewhat hurt by the unexpected tone of my voice.

"Oh, thank you," I said nodded my head, looking down.

"Do you have anything to say to me?" She asked, longing for an answer.

"Not really. Just dont trip down the stairs today," I said.

"Whatever Corbyn, Im trying to make our last moments enjoyable, but they dont have to be," she said, rolled her eyes, and stormed off.

I wanted to run after her and tell her why I feel this way. Tell her how I love her too much and I don't want to leave. I wanted to run my hands through her hair, kiss her and tell her how gorgeous she looks in her cap and gown, but I couldnt. Nothing was stopping me but myself. Why am I in my own way?

I walked back into the room and continued getting ready. I gelled my hair back, and used cologne. I then placed my cap on since we were about to begin the ceremony.

I sat in my seat next to a girl named Calumn Anderson, I've never talked to her so I just gave her a polite smile as I sat down.

I looked around at all the smiling faces, everyone seemed to be happy, a feeling I could not reciprocate.

It seemed like forever until the names were called and the diplomas were handed out. I watched Calumn walk onto the stage, shake hands with the principle and grab her diploma. Her eyes were bright with a wide smile.

I was up next.

"Corbyn Besson," the principle called out.

I walked into stage, with a forced smile. I noticed my mom in the back with a smile, taking videos and cheering. I wish my dad actually loved me, I wish he had the decency to come to my graduation like every other normal dad. But his work consumes him, apparently his occupation is more important than his own son.

I shook hands with the principle as she handed me my diploma. I couldn't help but feel proud. I walked off stage and caught Brayden staring at me with tears in her eyes. I gave her a sad smile, holding back the tears.

I zoned out the rest of the ceremony until I heard Brayden's name.

"Brayden Owens!" The principle called out. There were a few cheers as she stood up to receive her diploma. I watched her walk gracefully. It was like I was in a trance, staring at her beautiful smile. I love everything about her. I took in all her features, her thin figure, her brown hair and glowing eyes. Will this be the last time I will see her? I didn't realize I was crying until Calumn pointed it out.

"Are you okay?" Calumn asked.

"No, I'm not," I said, wiping the tears.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"She's so beautiful," I said watching Brayden leave the stage. Calumn smiled at me.

"You'll see her again. If that's why you're crying," she added in. I nodded although I wasn't so sure.

After the ceremony, I walked up to Brayden.

"I can't do this," I said right away.

"Do what?" She asked alarmed.

"Leave you, I can't," I said.

"Let's just try, maybe you'll enjoy living in Connecticut, maybe you'll find someone else," she said with a smile.

"How can you stay so calm about this? Do you even love me?" I asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Corbyn, we have to move on. Of course I love you. But we both know this is too complicated, it was from the start," she said turning around so I wouldn't see her cry. I wrapped my arms around her as we sat there and cried together.
People walked by, confused as to why we were so sad on such an exciting day. I didn't even care what others thought, I was so caught up in the moment, taking every ounce of love I could get before I had to leave.

Finally we stopped hugging and I looked her in the eye.

"Is this goodbye?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said sniffling.

"I love you Brayden Lee Owens, always remember that," I said wiping a tear off her cheek.

"I love you too Corbyn Matthew Besson, never change," she said with a warm smile.

"Bye," I said standing up, I couldn't look at her much longer, I would only start crying again.

"Bye," she said with a timid wave. She turned around and walked away as I watched her leave.

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